2nd Grand Round Series in Cardiovascular Imaging

Join the 2nd Online Grand Round Series in Cardiovascular Imaging at the University Hospital Zurich! Top experts in cardiology, radiology, and biomedical engineering deliver state-of-the-art lectures on various cardiovascular diseases and image-guided interventions.


All events will take place online, duration 45 minutes (incl. discussion).


SGR-SSR: 1 credit per session SGK: 1 credit per session

23.08.2023 1pm CET Scan Now and Ask Questions Later: New Approaches to Cardiovascular MRI Prof. Matthias Stuber, Section Head CIBM MRI CHUV-UNIL, Département de Radiologie Médicale, Lausanne, Switzerland
08.09.2023 1pm CET Non-invasive coronary angiography with CT: Current status Prof. Stephan Achenbach, Chairman, Department of Cardiology, University of Erlangen, Germany
05.10.2023 5pm CET CMR Stress Imaging Prof. Raymond Y. Kwong, MD, MPH, FACC, FSCMR, Director of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Cardiovascular Division, Department of Medicine of Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, USA
07.11.2023 1pm CET The future of multimodality cardiovascular imaging Prof. Victoria Delgado, Head of the Cardiovascular Imaging section, University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital, Barcelona, Spain
07.12.2023 5pm CET COVID-19 and the heart – lessons learned Prof. Kate Hannemann, Director of Cardiac Imaging Research Associate Professor of Radiology, University of Toronto, Canada
18.01.2024 1pm CET CT for TAVR – what is important prior to and after valve implantation Prof. Rodrigo Salgado, Department of Radiology, Antwerp University Hospital/Holy Heart hospital Lier, Belgium
08.02.2024 5pm CET Cardiotoxicity of Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors – evidence from cardiac MRI Prof. Bernd Wintersperger, Professor of Radiology, Department of Medical Imaging, University of Toronto, Canada, Director Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Director Cardiac Imaging, Joint Department of Medical Imaging UHN|SHS|WCH, Canada
21.03.2024 1pm CET Late enhancement and extracellular volume quantification: What CT can offer Prof. Antonio Esposito, Deputy Scientific Director, Responsible of Cardiovascular Imaging Functional Unit, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele (OSR), Milano, Italy
18.04.2024 1pm CET Fully CMR-Guided, Electrophysiological Interventional Ablation Procedures: Believe it or not – it's clinical routine now! Prof. Ingo Paetsch, Head CMR Unit, Department of Cardiology/Rhythmology Heart Center Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
16.05.2024 1pm CET Cocaine Abuse: An Attack to the Cardiovascular System Prof. Marco Francone, Professor of Radiology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Humanitas University, Milano, Italy
27.06.2024 1pm CET Imaging in Amyloidosis Prof. Marianna Fontana, Director of the University College London CMR unit at the Royal Free Hospital, London, UK
04.07.2024 5pm CET How artificial intelligence changes cardiac imaging Prof. Matthias Friedrich, Professor of Medicine, Departments of Cardiology and Diagnostic Radiology, McGill University, Montreal, Canada

After the great success of the first series, we are happy to announce the 2nd Online Grand Round Series in Cardiovascular Imaging of the University Hospital Zurich. The series features internationally renowned experts in the field of cardiovascular imaging from various fields, including cardiology, radiology, and biomedical engineering. State-of-the art lectures about various cardiovascular disease will be delivered, from ischemic and structural heart disease as well as image-guided interventions. We welcome all interested people to join us for this exciting online series!


The event is fully digital.
Meeting-ID: 476 855 6062
Passcode: 435930


Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
Clinic for Cardiology, University Heart Center

Prof. Dr. Robert Manka

Prof. Dr. Hatem Alkadhi