The Obesity Center Zurich is now also a Center of Excellence for Obesity and Metabolic Surgery - the first ever in Switzerland. How patients benefit from this.
Many people in our society are struggling with obesity – and the trend is rising. It is not uncommon for massive obesity to lead to secondary diseases such as diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure or lipometabolic disorders. In such severe cases, surgery may be necessary because those affected have achieved little or no success in their years-long battle against the kilos. The Zurich Obesity Center (AZZ) with its two sites at the University Hospital Zurich and Männedorf Hospital offers its patients a range of treatment options, including various surgical procedures.
Now the AZZ has become the first obesity center in Switzerland to be certified as a “Center of Excellence for Obesity and Metabolic Surgery” by the German Society for General and Visceral Surgery. This makes it one of only eight in the entire German-speaking region.
“We went through this certification process in order to have our standards and the quality of our work checked and evaluated from the outside,” says Marco Büter. Among other things, the USZ doctor is head of surgery at the AZZ and is also chief physician of the Department of Abdominal Surgery at Männedorf Hospital. “We are of course delighted to receive this award and are proud that our work meets the high standards,” says Büter.
How the “Excellent” helps those affected
Patients can rely on the broad network of specialists at the AZZ, especially if a surgical procedure is necessary. This is because one of the requirements for certification is that the processes must be perfectly coordinated. Even in complicated cases or complications, the procedures are so standardized that the specialists are prepared for all eventualities.
In addition, a center of excellence must perform a minimum number of operations per year. This guarantees patients that the surgeons have a great deal of experience and routine – as does the entire surgical team that assists them. Of course, every obesity center can say that. “That’s why it was important to us to have this checked and confirmed by an independent institution,” explains Büter.
On the pulse of science
Another important point for patients: The experts at the AZZ work at the cutting edge of research, as they are constantly undergoing further training and are therefore always up to date with the latest medical developments in their specialist field. The AZZ’s research work in the field of obesity treatment and surgery is also known far beyond our national borders. “Our patients can rest assured that we always have access to the latest scientific findings in our work. Of course, this applies to all areas at our center,” says Büter.
No time to rest
However, as with all certifications, after the award is before the award, as the AZZ must undergo another audit in three years’ time in order to retain its “Excellent” rating. Last but not least, this means improving even further as an obesity center.