Looking for participants

SWIFT Clinical Trial

Increased bleeding after birth is common. More severe bleeding is less frequent and often unpredictable. Today, in addition to the measures taken by gynecologists, medication, coagulation factor surgery and, most recently, blood reserves are available as therapy. This is intended to stop the bleeding and replace the blood loss. In earlier, previously published studies, we were able to demonstrate a strong correlation between a blood coagulation factor (factor 13) and postnatal blood loss. The next logical step in this study is to investigate whether the use of coagulation factor 13 at an earlier stage of bleeding than usual actually helps to reduce blood loss and thus effectively prevent further complications associated with bleeding.

Aim of the study

The aim is to test whether postpartum blood loss and the associated complications can be reduced by substituting factor 13 at an early stage of bleeding.

Who can take part?

Pregnant women aged 18 and over who are due to give birth in one of the participating hospitals (in addition to the main study center USZ, these are the university hospitals of Basel, Bern, Geneva and Lausanne; the cantonal hospitals of Baden, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zollikerberg Hospital). Women with a planned caesarean section, multiple pregnancies or known coagulation disorders are excluded from the study.


You will be included in the study if you have heavy bleeding immediately after the birth. In this case, you will be randomly assigned to either the study group (standard treatment plus coagulation factor 13) or the control group (standard treatment only). If you do not have increased bleeding, you will not be included in the study without further measures.
In the event of heavy postnatal bleeding, we measure the blood loss and compare it in both groups. Six to nine weeks after the birth, we will also ask you about your state of health by telephone. In an additional project (only at the USZ and the Cantonal Hospital of St. Gallen), we are also investigating which coagulation factors are important before and after birth. We require your separate consent for the collection of your blood samples for research purposes and for the further use of your health-related data and your blood samples. If you do not wish to do so, it is possible for you to take part in the intervention study with the possible administration of coagulation factor 13, but not in the additional project with the collection of blood samples.



Original study name

Early factor XIII replacement in postpartum hemorrhage: multi-center, randomized, controlled, investigator-initiated trial

BASEC number



This study is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF.

Responsible departments

  • Department of Obstetrics, University Hospital Zurich, USZ
  • Women’s Clinic, University Hospital Basel
  • Département femme-mère-enfant, Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV)
  • Maternité – Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève (HUG)
  • Women’s Clinic Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen
  • Clinic for Obstetrics & Prenatal Diagnostics, Cantonal Hospital Baden
  • Women’s Clinic, Zollikerberg Hospital
  • University Clinic for Gynecology, Inselspital Bern
  • Clinic for Obstetrics, Winterthur Cantonal Hospital

Are you interested?

Register at swift-study@usz.ch or contact the maternity department of the participating clinics

Tel. +41 44 255 51 03

Increased bleeding after birth is common. Heavy bleeding is rarer and often unpredictable. Available treatments today in addition to the measures taken by gynecologists, are medications, coagulation factors, surgery, and blood transfusions. Their aim is to stop the bleeding and replace the blood loss. We were able to demonstrate a strong correlation between a blood coagulation factor (factor 13) and postnatal blood loss in earlier, published studies. The next logical step for the present study is to investigate whether the use of coagulation factor 13 (at an earlier stage of bleeding than usual) may reduce blood loss and thus effectively prevent further complications associated with bleeding.

Aim of the study

The aim is to test whether blood loss after delivery and the associated complications may be reduced by substituting factor 13 at an early stage of bleeding.

Who can take part?

Pregnant women aged 18 who plan to give birth in one of the participating hospitals (in addition to the main study center USZ, these are the university hospitals of Basel, Bern, Geneva, and Lausanne; the cantonal hospitals of Baden, St. Gallen, Winterthur and Zollikerberg Hospital). Women with planned caesarean sections, multiple pregnancies or known coagulation disorders cannot participate.


You will be included in the study if you have heavy bleeding immediately after giving birth. In this case, you will be randomly assigned to either the study group (standard treatment plus coagulation factor 13) or the control group (standard treatment only). If you do not have increased bleeding, you will not be included in the study.
In the event of important bleeding after delivery, we will measure the blood loss and compare it in both groups.
In an additional project (only at the USZ and the Cantonal Hospital of St. Gallen) we will also explore if there are other important coagulation factors before and after the birth. We ask for a separate consent for the collection of blood samples for research and for the further use of your health-related data and blood samples. You have the possibility to participate in the intervention study with the potential administration of coagulation factor 13 without participating in the additional project with the collection of blood samples.



Original study name

Early factor XIII replacement in postpartum hemorrhage: multi-center, randomized, controlled, investigator-initiated trial

BASEC number



This study is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation SNF

Are you interested?

E-mail swift-study@usz.ch or contact the maternity department of the participating clinics.

  • Department of Obstetrics, University Hospital Zurich, USZ
  • Women’s Clinic, University Hospital Basel
  • Département femme-mère-enfant, Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV)
  • Maternité – Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève (HUG)
  • Women’s Clinic Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen
  • Clinic for Obstetrics & Prenatal Diagnostics, Cantonal Hospital Baden
  • Women’s Clinic, Zollikerberg Hospital
  • University Clinic for Gynecology, Inselspital Bern
  • Clinic for Obstetrics, Winterthur Cantonal Hospital

Les saignements après l’accouchement sont fréquents. Les saignements abondants sont plus rares et souvent imprévisibles. The treatments available today, in addition to the measures taken by gynecologists, are medications, coagulation factors, surgery and sanguineous transfusions. Their object is to stop the seizure and replace the lost sang. Nous avons pu démontrer une forte corrélation entre un facteur de coagulation sanguine (le facteur 13) et la perte de sang postnatale dans des études antérieures. Maintenant, on cherche à vérifier si l’utilisation du facteur de coagulation 13 (à un stade plus précoce de l’hémorragie que d’habitude) peut réduire la perte de sang et thc prévenir efficacement d’autres complications associées à l’hémorragie.

Objectif de l’étude

The objective is to determine whether the loss of voice after accouchement and the complications associated with it can be reduced by substituting factor 13 at an early stage of hemorrhage.

Qui peut participer ?

Vous pouvez participer si vêtes enceintes, âgées d’au min 18 ans et si vous prévoyez d’accoucher d’un des hôpitaux participants (outre l’hôpital universitaire de Zurich, which is the main center of the study, it is the university hospitals of Bâle, Berne, Geneva and Lausanne, the cantonal hospitals of Baden, Saint-Gall and Winterthur, as well as the Zollikerberg hospital). Vous ne pouvez pas participer en cas d’accouchement par césarienne, d’une grossesse multiple ou si vous avez des troubles de la coagulation sanguine.


Vous serez incluse dans l’étude si vous avez des saignements abondants immédiatement après l’accouchement. In this case, you will be assigned to the study group (standard treatment plus coagulation factor 13) or to the control group (standard treatment only). If this is not the case, please do not participate in the study. Within the framework of a supplementary project (only at the USZ and the Hôpital cantonal de Saint-Gall), we are analyzing whether there are other important coagulation factors before and after accouchement. Nous aurons besoin d’un consentement additionnel pour le prélèvement d’échantillons sanguins à des fins de recherche ainsi que pour l’utilisation ultérieure de vos données de santé et de vos échantillons sanguins. Vous avez la possibilité de participer à l’étude d’intervention avec l’administration potentielle du facteur de coagulation 13 sans participer au projet supplémentaire.



Nom original de l’étude

Early factor XIII replacement in postpartum hemorrhage: multi-center, randomized, controlled, investigator-initiated trial.

Numéro BASEC



This study is financed by the Fonds national suisse de la recherche scientifique (FNS).

Êtes-vous intéressé ?

E-mail: swift-study@usz.ch ou contacter le service maternité des cliniques participantes.

  • Department of Obstetrics, Hôpital universitaire de Zurich, USZ
  • Maternity ward, Hôpital universitaire de Bâle
  • Département femme-mère-enfant, Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV)
  • Maternité – Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève (HUG)
  • Maternity ward, Hôpital cantonal de Saint-Gall
  • Clinique d’obstétrique et de diagnostic prénatal, Hôpital cantonal de Baden
  • Maternité, hôpital de Zollikerberg
  • Hôpital universitaire de Berne, Maternité, Inselspital
  • Clinique d’obstétrique, Hôpital cantonal de Winterthur

È comune un aumento del sanguinamento dopo il parto. Le emorragie abbondanti sono meno comuni e spesso imprevedibili. Oggi, oltre alle misure adottate dai ginecologi, sono disponibili come terapia farmaci, interventi surgici sui fattori di coagulazione e infine riserve di sangue. L’obiettivo è arrestare l’emorragia e sostituire la perdita di sangue. In studi precedenti, già pubblicati, siamo riusciti a dimostrare una forte correlazione tra un fattore di coagulazione del sangue (fattore 13) e la perdita di sangue postnatale. In questo studio, come passo logico successivo, stiamo verificando se l’uso del fattore di coagulazione 13 in una fase più precoce dell’emorragia rispetto al solito aiuti effettivamente a ridurre la perdita di sangue e quindi a prevenire efficacemente ulteriori complicazioni associate all’emorragia.

Obiettivo dello studio

L’obiettivo è verificare se la perdita di sangue post-partum e le complicazioni associate possono essere ridotte sostituendo il fattore 13 in una fase precoce dell’emorragia.

Chi può partecipare?

Donne in gravidanza di almeno 18 anni che devono partorire in uno degli ospedali partecipanti (oltre al centro di studio principale USZ, si tratta degli ospedali universitari di Basilea, Berna, Ginevra e Losanna; degli ospedali cantonali di Baden, San Gallo, Winterthur e dell’ospedale di Zollikerberg). Sono escluse dallo studio le donne con parto cesareo programmato, gravidanze multiple o disturbi noti della coagulazione.


Sarete incluse nello studio se avrete un forte sanguinamento subito dopo il parto. In questo caso, sarete assegnate a caso al gruppo di studio (trattamento standard più fattore di coagulazione 13) o al gruppo di controllo (solo trattamento standard). Se non si verifica un aumento del sanguinamento, non si verrà inclusi nello studio senza ulteriori misure.
In caso di forte emorragia postnatale, misureremo la perdita di sangue e la confronteremo nei due gruppi. Da sei a nove settimane dopo il parto, le chiederemo anche telefonicamente informazioni sul suo stato di salute.
In un progetto aggiuntivo (solo presso l’USZ e l’Ospedale Cantonale di San Gallo), studieremo anche quali fattori di coagulazione sono importanti prima e dopo il parto. Per il prelievo di campioni di sangue a scopo di ricerca e per l’ulteriore utilizzo dei dati sanitari e dei campioni di sangue è necessario il suo consenso separato. Se non lo desidera, potrà partecipare allo studio di intervento con l’eventuale somministrazione del fattore di coagulazione 13, ma non al progetto aggiuntivo con la raccolta di campioni di sangue.



Nome originale dello studio

Sostituzione precoce del fattore XIII nell’emorragia post-partum: studio multicentrico, randomizzato, controllato, avviato dallo sperimentatore

Numero BASEC



Questo studio è finanziato dal Fondo Nazionale Svizzero per la Ricerca Scientifica (FNS).

È interessata?

E-mail swift-study@usz.ch contattare il reparto maternità delle cliniche partecipanti.

  • Dipartimento di Ostetricia, Ospedale Universitario di Zurigo, USZ
  • Clinica ginecologica, Ospedale universitario di Basilea
  • Dipartimento femme-mère-enfant, Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV)
  • Maternità – Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève (HUG)
  • Clinica ginecologica Ospedale cantonale di San Gallo
  • Clinica di Ostetricia e Diagnostica Prenatale, Ospedale Cantonale di Baden
  • Clinica ginecologica, Ospedale Zollikerberg
  • Clinica universitaria di ginecologia, Inselspital di Berna
  • Clinica ostetrica, Ospedale cantonale di Winterthur

Verwandte Krankheiten

Responsible Department