A summary of the study results in layman’s terms will be published here shortly.
Original study description
The study examines the use of the new, already approved hybrid radiation device. The device combines a modern radiation device (linear accelerator) with an integrated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner for precise imaging.
Aim of the study
This study is carried out with the already approved MRidian® device, a device that combines a modern linear accelerator with an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging). This modern technology allows the exact imaging of soft tissues, such as tumors or organs at risk in the region to be irradiated without the use of additional radiation, "live" on the irradiation device. We are conducting this study with the aim of detecting and evaluating changes in the brain caused by radiochemotherapy.
Who can take part?
Patients with glioblastoma
The therapy is carried out as part of the normal clinical routine. In addition to this standard treatment and the standard examinations, you will incur the following costs: a total of 4 or 7 additional MR imaging scans on the MRLinac hybrid device. The number depends on the duration of the irradiation (15 or 30 fractions). The individual irradiation, including MR imaging, will take between 20 and 40 minutes and the study will last up to 14 months in total, in addition to the therapy and clinical follow-up. After completion of the study, follow-up care will continue as normal according to clinical standards.
Original study name
Pilot study to assess the response to MR-guided radiotherapy for glioblastoma multiforme
BASEC number
Financial support from
University of Zurich