Looking for participants

Lung / respiratory disease: respiratory analysis

The exhaled air contains thousands of volatile components, sometimes in very low concentrations. These substances can be detected using specially developed devices.

Aim of the study

We would like to find out whether various lung/respiratory diseases can also be diagnosed by analyzing the exhaled air and whether there are differences in the stages of the disease that can be shown in the respiratory profile. Control subjects without lung/respiratory disease are also measured for comparison.

Requirements for participation

All persons aged 18 and over with or without lung/respiratory disease (e.g. COPD, asthma).

Course of the study

The exhaled air is analyzed using a mass spectrometer. To do this, the test subjects blow gently into a mass spectrometer several times. This is preceded by a screening to determine suitability for participation in the study (medical history, short questionnaire and possibly lung function). The examination takes about 30 minutes in total. Possible follow-up visits to monitor progress can be arranged if interested. By participating, you will be making a major contribution to the scientific understanding of whether lung/respiratory diseases can be diagnosed via exhaled air.