Prospective study of sensitization patterns to insects as food in patients with house dust mite allergy based on medical history, skin tests and laboratory tests.
Aim of the study
The aim is to investigate whether patients with a house dust allergy and possibly also an existing allergy to seafood react to insects used as food in the allergy test.
Requirements for participation
Patients with house dust mite allergies. In addition, we are also looking for people who have regular occupational contact with edible insects, as well as control subjects without allergies.
Procedure of the study
The study comprises one visit. During this visit, the study participants have to complete a questionnaire, blood is taken and an allergy test is carried out on the skin (prick test). The insects are not offered for consumption in the study; allergy testing is carried out on the basis of blood samples and skin tests.
Allowance for expenses
No compensation is provided.