Portrait Matthias Hoffmann, DESA, EMBA UZH

Matthias Hoffmann, DESA, EMBA UZH
Dr. med.

Attending Physician, Institute of Anesthesiology


  • Cardiac anesthesia
  • Cardiac & vascular surgery intensive care medicine
  • Emergency Medicine


Tel. +41 43 253 23 28


Since 2022 Attending Physician – Institute of Anesthesiology (USZ)
2024 Diving Medicine Physician
2022 Qualification leading emergency physician course (medical service management for major events)
2022 Executive Master in Business Administration (University of Zurich)
2021 Interdisciplinary intensive care medicine (Hirslanden Clinic)
2020 General Internal Medicine (Hirslanden Clinic)
2020 European Diploma of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (DESA)
2020 Specialist in anesthesiology
2019 Pediatric Anesthesia (University Children’s Hospital Zurich)
2019 Emergency doctor rotation (USZ)
2018 Cardiac anesthesia (USZ)
2017 Cardiac and vascular surgery intensive care (USZ)
2016 Regional anesthesia (Balgrist University Hospital)
2015 Doctorate (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg)
2014 State examination (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg)
2013 Anesthesiology (England University of Cambridge)
2013 Emergency medicine (USA New York University)
2012 Obstetrics (Tanzania)
2008 Medical studies (Martin Luther University Halle Wittenberg)
2006 Paramedic and assistant
2003 Civilian service (University Clinic for Anesthesiology Halle/Saale)

Most important memberships

  • ESA
  • FMH
  • VSAO

  • Hoffmann, M.*, Bork, K.*, Horstkorte, R. (2013) ATP interferes with neural cell adhesion molecule-induced neurite outgrowth. Neuroreport 24, 616–619
  • Hoffmann, M., Russmann, S., Niedrig D. (2021) Severe CNS Depression with Duloxetine, Ciprofloxacin and CYP2D6 Deficiency – Role and Recognition of Drug-Drug-Gene Interactions. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
  • Hoffmann, M., Akbas, S., Kindler, R., Bettex, D. (2023) Successful use of extracorporeal life support and hemadsorption in the context of venlafaxine intoxication requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a case report. Journal of Artificial Organs