Portrait Guru Sivaraman

Guru Sivaraman

Executive Director ICT


Tel. +41 44 255 11 11


  • Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Master of Science, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
  • Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu

Professional career

  • Design Engineer at Schlumberger ATE, formerly Fairchild Semiconductor, in San Jose, Calif.
  • various management functions in IT development and control at UBS and Citigroup
  • IT Area Manager/Program Manager and Member of the Executive Board at UBS Wealth Management
  • Partner at Alder Sivaraman AG, advising Swiss and international companies at executive management and board level
  • Head of Corporate Center at ARIZON Sourcing AG, IT and Operations Provider of the Raiffeisen Group; Member of the Executive Board with COO-/CFO- responsibility
  • Director ICT/CIO, University Hospital Zurich (in office since 2019)

Secondary occupations and mandates

  • none