Portrait Gabi Brenner-Lüdemann

Gabi Brenner-Lüdemann

Direktorin Pflege & Co-Direktorin DPM


Tel. +41 44 255 11 11


  • dipl. Nursing specialist and dipl. Expert Intensive Care NDS HF
  • Master of Advanced Studies in Managed Health Care
  • Executive Master in Organizational Development MSc

Professional career

  • From 1996 active in various functions and areas at the University Hospital Zurich
  • From 2016 Head of Nursing Service in the Cardiovascular Thoracic Medical Unit and Member of the Medical Unit Management
  • From 2018 Head of FaoL Pflege and member of the Ombudsman Commission
  • In office as Director of Nursing & Co-Director of DPM since 2019

Secondary occupations and mandates

  • Chairwoman of the Expert Committee of Nursing Directors unimedsuisse
  • Commission member of the KAIMC of the Swiss Society of Intensive Care Medicine
  • Commissioner of the Nursing Commission of DG KTZH.
  • Member of the Strategic Management Committee of the University Geriatrics Network Zurich
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the ZHAW Department of Health
  • Member of the Board Swiss Nurse Leaders