Portrait Florin Allemann, Executive MBA HSG

Florin Allemann, Executive MBA HSG
PD Dr. med.

Senior Attending Physician, Vice Director of Department, Department of Traumatology


  • Upper extremity
  • Sports injury
  • Knee


Tel. +41 44 255 23 99

Other competencies

  • Acute traumatology
  • Minimally invasive surgery upper extremity


15.12.2021 Award of the Venia legendi of the Medical Faculty of the University of Zurich for the field of traumatology
Since 2013 Senior Attending Physician, University Hospital Zurich (USZ), Department of Traumatology,
Team leader upper extremities / sports
2009 – 2013 Attending Physician, USZ, Department of Traumatology
2007 – 2009 Attending Physician, Lucerne Cantonal Hospital, Surgical Clinic A
2004 – 2007 Attending Physician, Frauenfeld Cantonal Hospital, Surgical Clinic
2002 – 2004 Fellow, Bülach Hospital, Surgical Department
2001 – 2002 Resident, University Children’s Hospital Zurich, Department of Surgery
2000 – 2001 Resident, USZ, Department of Traumatology
1999 – 2000 Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School in Boston (Massachusetts, USA)
Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women`s Hospital,
Orthopedic Research
1997 – 1999 Resident, Hospital Oberengadin Samedan, Surgical Department

Most important memberships

2017 Society of Surgeons of the Canton of Zurich
2014 Society for Arthroscopy and Joint Surgery, AGA
2009 Swiss Society for General and Trauma Surgery, SGAUT
2005 Swiss Society of Surgery, SGC
1994 FMH, Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum


To the publications

For patients

To make an appointment for private consultation, contact us as follows:

Tel. +41 44 255 27 30

Monday to Friday: 08.15h – 16.00h

Contact form

For international patients

For an appointment for private consultation, please contact our International Office directly:

Tel. +41442555454
Contact form

For referrer

To refer your patient for private consultation, contact us as follows:

Tel. +41 44 255 27 30

Monday to Friday: 08.15h – 16.00h

+41 44 255 60 60 (24h/365 days

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