Portrait Corina Schneidawind

Corina Schneidawind
PD Dr. med. Dr. phil.

Attending Physician, Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology


Tel. +41 44 255 37 82

Other competencies

  • Specialist in hematology (FMH)
  • Specialist in internal medicine and
  • Hematology and oncology (D)
    Additional qualification in palliative medicine (D)


Since 2022 Attending Physician and research group leader, Laboratory for Molecular Leukemia Research, Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology, University Hospital Zurich
2022 Habilitation and authorization to teach internal medicine and hematology and oncology, University of Tübingen
2022 Additional qualification in palliative medicine, District Medical Association of South Württemberg
2022 Specialist in internal medicine and hematology and oncology, District Medical Association of South Württemberg
2021 Habilitation and authorization to teach experimental medicine, University of Tübingen
2016-2021 Ph.D. Experimental Medicine Program, University of Tübingen
since 2016 Research Group Leader Laboratory for Molecular Leukemia Research and Clinician Scientist, University of Tübingen
2013-2016 Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Pathology, Stanford University, USA
2012-2022 Doctor in postgraduate training, Internal Medicine II, University Hospital Tübingen

Research focus

  • MLL and BCR/ABL translocated leukemias
  • Genome editing, CRISPR/Cas9 system
  • Pathological signaling pathways and their therapeutic influence
  • Leukemia models for testing new substances
  • Cellular therapies and immunotherapies

Publication list

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Württembergischer Krebspreis der Dres. Bayer-Stiftung

Stipendiatin des Dr. Mildred-Scheel-Postdoktorandenprogramms, Deutsche Krebshilfe

Cheryl Whitlock Memorial Award, Stanford University

Carl Liebermeister-Preis zur Promotion, Universität Tübingen