Portrait Beatrice Schaeppi Mischler

Beatrice Schaeppi Mischler
Dr. med.

Attending Physician, Institute for Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine


  • General anesthesia


Tel. +41 43 253 90 61


2001 Attending Physician
1998 – 2009 Additional activity in the pain outpatient clinic
1998 FMH Anesthesia
1994 Anesthesia University Hospital Zurich
1993 Anesthesia Cantonal Hospital Baden
1992 Doctorate University of Bern
1991 Anesthesia University Hospital Zurich
1990 Diagnostic Radiology Inselspital Bern
1989 Surgery Oberdiessbach
1988 State examination University of Bern

Most important memberships

  • SGAR
  • VSAO
  • SGSS


  • Schweizer, Becker, Schaeppi, Huber, Blumgart: The importance of
    of computer tomography for the conservative treatment of the
    liver trauma. Helvetica Chirurgica Acta 59 (1992): 717-724
  • Borgeat, Schaeppi, Biasca, Gerber: Patient-controlled analgesia
    after major shoulder surgery: patient controlled interscalene
    analgesia (PCIA) versus patient controlled analgesia (PCA).
    Anaesthesiology Dec; 87(6): 1343-7
  • Schaeppi: Pain treatment in carcinoma patients. Geriatrics
    Practice, Swiss Journal of Modern Geriatrics 7 (2001): 25-31

For patients

To make an appointment for private consultation, contact us as follows:

Tel. +41 44 255 26 95
Contact form

For international patients

For an appointment for private consultation, please contact our International Office directly.

Tel. +41 44 255 54 54
Contact online

For referrer

To refer your patient for private consultation, contact us as follows:

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