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«I underestimated the process of recovery»

Mr. Bachmann (69) developed jaundice, which was the first sign of his pancreatic tumor. He found the operation to be straightforward, but the change in his lifestyle is more of a challenge for him.

Text: Helga Kessler

I know that cancer cells are always circulating in our bodies and that our immune system normally eliminates them. This balance no longer worked for me at some point because of a one-time heavy strain. The pancreas has come forward with a tumor. I was operated on and thus «freed» again. As a physicist, I think in terms of systems, psyche and body. This way of looking at things helps me because it gives me a certain ease in dealing with the whole situation. After what I have been through, you can’t just switch back to a «courant» normal.

«I wanted the tumor to be cut out as quickly as possible.»

P. Bachmann, patient

The tumor had to be removed as quickly as possible

A serious conflict between me and my children, which hit me unexpectedly and led to a huge loss of trust, was very stressful for me. I then had to make a real cut and redefine my relationship with my children. There was a clarifying discussion in February. I got yellow eyes in April. I had no other symptoms, including no pain. The first hospital my GP referred me to found nothing. A CT scan clarified that it was a pancreatic head tumor. I wanted the tumor to be cut out as quickly as possible and was given an appointment quite quickly. I found my surgeon to be very competent, as well as very personal and humane.

I eat what is good for me

The operation was no problem for me, I was fine systemically afterwards. After the procedure, I had to have two corrections due to complications. What I really underestimated was the time it takes to recover after such an operation. You have to readjust everything: your own pace, exercise, drinking, diet, sugar, digestion, etc. But it’s a process. After the operation I had lost five kilos.

In the beginning, I was very careful about what I could and couldn’t eat. Today I eat what is good for me, lots of vegetables, very rarely meat. I only need to take enzymes to help my body digest fat on a temporary basis. Fortunately, part of the pancreas could be preserved so that I don’t need insulin. I was told that I was free of metastases. Which I probably am. But as a physicist, I know that you can never see everything.