Mr. Bachmann (69) developed jaundice, which was the first sign of his pancreatic tumor. He found the operation to be straightforward, but the change in his lifestyle is more of a challenge for him.
Text: Helga Kessler
I know that cancer cells are always circulating in our bodies and that our immune system normally eliminates them. This balance no longer worked for me at some point because of a one-time heavy strain. The pancreas has come forward with a tumor. I was operated on and thus «freed» again. As a physicist, I think in terms of systems, psyche and body. This way of looking at things helps me because it gives me a certain ease in dealing with the whole situation. After what I have been through, you can’t just switch back to a «courant» normal.
«I wanted the tumor to be cut out as quickly as possible.»
The tumor had to be removed as quickly as possible
A serious conflict between me and my children, which hit me unexpectedly and led to a huge loss of trust, was very stressful for me. I then had to make a real cut and redefine my relationship with my children. There was a clarifying discussion in February. I got yellow eyes in April. I had no other symptoms, including no pain. The first hospital my GP referred me to found nothing. A CT scan clarified that it was a pancreatic head tumor. I wanted the tumor to be cut out as quickly as possible and was given an appointment quite quickly. I found my surgeon to be very competent, as well as very personal and humane.
I eat what is good for me
The operation was no problem for me, I was fine systemically afterwards. After the procedure, I had to have two corrections due to complications. What I really underestimated was the time it takes to recover after such an operation. You have to readjust everything: your own pace, exercise, drinking, diet, sugar, digestion, etc. But it’s a process. After the operation I had lost five kilos.
In the beginning, I was very careful about what I could and couldn’t eat. Today I eat what is good for me, lots of vegetables, very rarely meat. I only need to take enzymes to help my body digest fat on a temporary basis. Fortunately, part of the pancreas could be preserved so that I don’t need insulin. I was told that I was free of metastases. Which I probably am. But as a physicist, I know that you can never see everything.
Liver and Pancreatic Tumor Center at the USZ
At the USZ, numerous specialist departments have joined forces to form a liver and pancreatic tumor center. The center is certified according to the guidelines of the German Cancer Society (DKG). A team of experts specializing in the medical treatment of pancreatic cancer works closely together here for the benefit of our patients. At DKG-certified centers, patients are treated according to strict quality criteria and, according to current studies, have a better chance of survival on average.