Doctors & staff

Human, committed and ambitious - our doctors, nurses and other specialists work together every day to turn their knowledge into cutting-edge medicine for you. Get to know our employees here.

Bernd Bodenmiller, Prof. Dr.

Executive Director CCCZ Technologies, Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich

Andrea Boesch, Dr. med.

Attending Physician, Department of Dermatology

Tel. +41 44 255 11 11
Specialties: Inpatient treatments Specialist in internal medicine

Jörg Edgar Bohlender, PD Dr. med.

Senior Attending Physician, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

Tel. +41 44 255 58 30
Specialties: Diagnosis and treatment of voice disorders, swallowing disorders, Laryngology and specialization in phoniatrics, Voice-improving and voice-preserving operations

Marco Georges Bonani, PD Dr. med.

Senior Attending Physician, Department of Nephrology

Tel. +41 44 255 33 84
Specialties: , ,

Francesca Bonassin Tempesta, Dr. med.

Attending Physician with extended responsibilites, Department of Cardiology

Tel. +41 44 255 38 83
Specialties: Aortic diseases (diseases of the arteries)

Jérôme Bonzon, Dr. med.

Attending Physician, Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology

Tel. +41 43 253 27 24

Vinzenz Boos, Dr. med.

Attending Physician, Department of Neonatology

Specialties: Neonatal echocardiography, Sonography, Palliative medicine

Laura Boos, MHBA, Dr. med.

Attending Physician, Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology

Tel. +41 44 255 22 14

Verena Bossung, PD Dr. med.

Attending Physician, Department of Obstetrics

Tel. +41 44 255 11 11
Specialties: Focus on special obstetrics and perinatal medicine (D), External turns from pelvic presentation/transverse position, imminent premature birth, International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)

Jean-Pierre Bourquin, Prof. Dr. med.

Head of Centre for Oncology of the University-Children’s Hospital Zurich, Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich