Pelvic floor weakness

Problems of the pelvic floor are common. In some cases, they strongly influence the quality of life of those affected. At the same time, the inhibition threshold to see a doctor is often high. Shame or uncertainty about who to turn to with this can be reasons. Learn more about symptoms and how you can exercise the pelvic floor.

The pelvic floor is a muscular plate that closes off the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs from below and curves upward at its edges. It extends like a taut cloth from the pubic bone to the back of the sacrum and coccyx, laterally the muscle group attaches to both ischial tuberosities.

What is the role of the pelvic floor?

  • The pelvic floor holds the uterus, bladder and other abdominal organs in place.
  • It supports the sphincter muscles of the urethra and anus
  • and withstands the high pressure generated, among other things, by coughing and laughing, pressing during defecation, and physical exertion, such as lifting heavy objects.

It is therefore very important to keep these muscles strong.

Illustration des Beckenbodens bei Mann und Frau

Weak pelvic floor

In women, a weakened pelvic floor can lead to lowering of the uterus, bladder or part of the bowel. In men, potency disorders can manifest themselves either in premature ejaculation or in a weak or too short-lasting erection.

Symptoms for pelvic floor problems

The following signs indicate a weakened pelvic floor:

  • Urinary incontinence, loss of urine when coughing, sneezing or playing sports
  • Pain during urination and in the pelvic area
  • Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder or bowel.
  • Testicular, groin or pelvic pain
  • Difficulties with bowel control, bowel incontinence
  • Pain during sex or orgasm

The following factors can lead to the impairment of the pelvic floor function

  • Age: Between the ages of 40 and 50 or with the menopause, the tissue begins to sag.
  • Constipation: In men, this is one of the main factors in the deterioration of the pelvic floor. Repeated squeezing puts stress on the pelvic floor.
  • Severe overweight
  • Pregnancy and birth
  • Years of heavy lifting through regular lifting of heavy loads or weight-bearing sports such as weightlifting, jumping, skipping or judo can weaken the muscles and connective tissue of the pelvic floor.
  • Smoking, diseases such as diabetes, chronic cough or simply genetic predisposition put additional strain on the pelvic floor.

A weak pelvic floor is a particular issue for women. But in rare cases, men can also be affected.

Possible forms of disease of the pelvic floor

Disorders at the pelvic floor structure can occur in connection with or trigger the following clinical pictures:

Discreet, confidential and sensitive

Our experienced team of specialists will provide you with comprehensive and individual care for all pelvic floor concerns. Contact us today – we will be happy to assist you.

Tel. +41 44 255 50 36
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