A port catheter is usually inserted if prolonged drug therapy via the vein or intravenous nutrition is required. This is often the case with tumor diseases, but sometimes also with other chronic diseases or chronic inflammation. The subcutaneous chamber of the port is connected to the venous blood system close to the heart via the catheter tube. By piercing the silicone membrane of the port chamber, a secure connection to the blood system can be established and the medication can be administered. The medication reaches the central blood system directly via the catheter tube and can be ideally distributed throughout the body. This means that it is not necessary to insert a venous catheter into a superficial vein in the arm or hand at every treatment appointment. Blood samples can also be taken via the port catheter.
After you have been registered with us for port catheter insertion by the colleagues treating you, preparation for the operation takes place either in our outpatient clinic or during your inpatient stay. This includes a blood test to ensure that there is no infection or blood clotting disorder. If you are taking blood-thinning medication, we will discuss with you whether you need to pause it for the insertion of the port catheter. We will also discuss with you the ideal site for implanting the port. You will also be informed about the insertion of the port at a sufficient distance from the operation and have the opportunity to clarify any questions you may have.
After preparation for the operation, the port catheter is inserted under local anesthesia in the operating room on the date discussed with you. After the anesthetic injection has been administered, a vein in the subcutaneous tissue is exposed via a small incision measuring approximately three to four centimeters between the shoulder and the chest. This allows the catheter tube to be inserted into the correct position under X-ray control. A small pocket for the port chamber is then created above the chest muscles and fixed in place. Before the operation is completed, the correct position of the entire system and its function are checked again before the wound is closed again. The actual operation takes about 45 minutes, but there is also time before and after the operation for preparations in the operating room, so that you will be in the operating theater for a total of about 1 – 1.5 hours.
The port catheter is usually inserted on an outpatient basis with approximately three hours of monitoring after the operation in our day clinic. If this is inconspicuous, you can either go home or the first medication can be administered via the catheter immediately afterwards. After inserting the port catheter, we recommend that you protect the corresponding arm to allow the port chamber to grow in well. In the case of physical work, you should expect to be unable to work for about a week after the operation, and about one to two days in the case of office work.
The wound takes about ten to 14 days to heal, during which time we recommend avoiding sport, bathing or saunas. Showering is no problem with waterproof plasters. Since the wound is usually closed with self-dissolving stitches, it is not necessary to pull the stitches. However, we still recommend regular wound checks. These can be carried out either by your family doctor or, if therapy is already being carried out via the port catheter, by the colleagues treating you.
If handled correctly, your port catheter can be used for several years. If the port catheter is no longer required once the therapy has been definitively completed, the removal of the port catheter can be planned. This is also performed in a small, outpatient operation under local anesthesia.
Interdisciplinarity at the USZ
In addition to our specialist expertise, we offer you flexible planning, preparation and implementation of port catheter insertion, even at short notice, through close cooperation with the referring colleagues at the USZ. This avoids unnecessary hospital appointments and makes your treatment as uncomplicated as possible.