The first step is a brief consultation to determine the possible causes of the urethritis. To rule out a bacteriological disease, we will take urine samples. In rare cases, a urethral swab must be performed. If the general condition deteriorates or to rule out sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV or hepatitis, we also recommend a blood test. A physical and ultrasound examination round off the doctor’s visit. Depending on the patient’s medical history and symptoms, we administer antibiotic therapy during the first visit to the doctor. Examination and possibly treatment of sexual partners is necessary in order not to re-infect each other during sexual intercourse or endanger other people. Accordingly, you should refrain from sexual intercourse until the end of treatment.
If the findings during the first visit to the doctor do not clearly indicate an infection, the laboratory tests are awaited before prescribing antibiotic therapy. In any case, you will be prescribed medication to alleviate the symptoms. To support the drug therapy, you should drink plenty of fluids and urinate frequently. This ensures that the urethra is flushed regularly. We recommend drinks such as still water, herbal tea and special bladder teas, as well as blackcurrant, cranberry or cranberry juice. The latter is said to have a positive effect on the course of the disease, as it acidifies the urine and thus curbs the multiplication of pathogens.