If such therapy does not sufficiently alleviate the symptoms, the optimal treatment is usually a combination of anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving medication, medication to facilitate urination and pelvic floor physiotherapy.
The first step is a brief consultation to determine the possible causes of the prostatitis. We will take several urine samples to identify a possible underlying bacterium of the inflammation. In some cases, we also carry out a blood test. This can be used to assess the severity of the inflammation. A physical and ultrasound-guided examination of the kidneys, urinary bladder and prostate round off the doctor’s visit. If there is also a urinary bladder emptying disorder, we temporarily insert a catheter into the bladder to drain the contaminated urine.
For mild to moderate degrees of severity, outpatient treatment can be sought. Patients take an antibiotic in tablet form or come to us daily for antibiotic therapy via a vein. Regular medical check-ups are necessary to detect a worsening of the prostatitis at an early stage. In moderate to severe cases, inpatient treatment with antibiotics via a vein and close monitoring is essential. If the patient responds well to treatment, discharge home is usually possible after three to about five days, provided that the prescribed antibiotic treatment can be continued at home (often for a total of three weeks).
If the prostate significantly impedes the flow of urine and drug therapy is not sufficient, the prostate can be treated surgically after the infection has been treated. Prostate surgery during an infection poses an increased health risk. In most cases, the operation can be performed via the urethra without the need for an external incision.