Somatoform disorders – treatment

There are various ways to treat a somatoform disorder. This includes one-to-one psychotherapy, symptom-oriented medication if necessary and general measures such as relaxation therapy. The therapy often consists of a combination of different approaches.

With the patient’s consent, the referring doctor is informed in detail about the results and there is an exchange between the disciplines, which can support the patient’s recovery progress.


From a psychotherapeutic point of view, various methods can be used. Good experiences have been made with cognitive behavioral therapy approaches for somatoform disorders. It is important that you feel accepted and taken seriously with your fears, difficulties, problems and physical symptoms. Step by step, you will learn to deal with your body and the way you perceive your body differently. For example, you will learn that you can increase or reduce a state of agitation with your breathing technique. Or you can learn to interpret breathlessness as a tolerable discomfort and not as a sign of an impending heart attack.

In order to get out of the often practiced protective behavior, those affected are encouraged to exercise and be more fit. Anxiously observing the symptoms only intensifies them. Practicing a more relaxed approach to the complaints experienced and consciously reducing the number of visits to the doctor are also part of the therapeutic learning program. During therapy, you learn to better perceive and accept emotions and feelings. You learn to feel and express your needs and wishes. Saying no plays an important role in ensuring that physical symptoms do not always have to be the answer to unpleasant or overwhelming situations.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is also about becoming clear about your thoughts, attitudes and expectations. This makes it possible to recognize and change inappropriate and stressful beliefs. In this way, factors such as stress, disappointment and conflicts that can cause, intensify or maintain physical symptoms can be dealt with.

In addition to psychotherapy, we also offer drug-based symptom-oriented treatments (e.g. for a lack of drive, for circling thoughts or for sleep disorders) if required.

Relaxation techniques

With the help of relaxation techniques, you can learn to cope better with anxiety, muscle tension and vegetative arousal. If you become more and more successful in alleviating the states of tension, the somatoform disorders will also disappear. This has proven helpful in practice:

  • Progressive muscle relaxation according to Jacobson
  • autogenic training
  • Biofeedback (technical or electronic means are used to visualize unconscious processes in the body; the person concerned can use this feedback to learn how to actively influence the processes themselves)

For patients

As a patient, you cannot register directly for a consultation. Please get a referral from your primary care physician, specialist.

For referrering physicians

This offer is aimed at people between the ages of 18 and 65. Simply assign your patient to us online.

University Hospital Zurich
Department of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatic Medicine
Culmannstrasse 8
8091 Zurich

Tel. +41 44 255 52 80
Patient registration form

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