Female-to-male (FzM) mastectomy (Top Surgery)

Mastectomy describes the removal of the mammary gland and is a frequently performed surgical procedure for various indications (breast cancer, gynecomastia, gender dysphoria, etc.). The adjustment of a female breast shape to a male breast shape is performed during so-called "top surgery", whereby the surgical techniques differ from other indications for this procedure.

Objectives of the operation:

  • Adjustment of the female breast shape to a male breast shape
  • Preservation of sensation in the nipple and areola
  • Scar-saving technique

Surgical techniques

Depending on individual needs and requirements, a consultation is held with the treatment team. The surgical techniques differ mainly in the incision and therefore in the resulting scars. Depending on the size of the breasts, different techniques are used:

1st incision around the nipple
This technique is particularly suitable for small to medium-sized breasts. The incision is made around half or the entire areola. A small amount of skin can also be removed. This surgical technique is almost always combined with liposuction.

2. combination of nipple incision and underbust fold incision
This technique is suitable for medium to large breasts. The mammary gland and excess skin are removed via a transverse incision in the underbust fold. This results in scars in the underbust crease and around the areola. This operation can also be combined with liposuction.

3. free transfer of nipples
This technique is only rarely used for very large breasts. The skin and mammary gland are removed via a transverse incision in the underbust crease or the center of the breast and the nipple and areola are sutured into their new position. The blood supply to the nipple/atrium must first be established, so a dressing must be applied for 5 days.

Duration of the operation

The operation usually takes between 1 and 2 hours.


Depending on the type of procedure, the operation can be performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis. In the case of larger breasts with the necessary insertion of tubes to drain wound fluid, an inpatient stay of a few days is recommended.

After the operation

We recommend wearing a compression bandage or a compression vest for 6 weeks after the operation. Scar treatment should also be initiated at an early stage in order to optimize the cosmetic result.

Incapacity for work

As a rule, the period of incapacity to work is approx. 2 weeks. However, this can vary depending on the procedure.

Responsible doctor

Matthias Waldner, PD Dr. med.

Attending Physician, Department of Plastic Surgery and Hand Surgery

Tel. +41 44 255 21 25
Specialties: Gender dysphoria, surgical gender reassignment, Reconstructive and aesthetic nasal surgery, Abdominoplasty and liposuction

For patients

For an individual consultation, simply make an appointment during our consultation hours.

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