Chronic nasal and sinus inflammation is one of the most common chronic diseases of all. The disease manifests itself in a protracted nasal obstruction or runny nose, often accompanied by a reduced sense of smell and/or pain. We distinguish between two forms, those with and without nasal polyps.
Standard therapies include nasal rinsing and local cortisone therapy, which can generally achieve excellent symptom control thanks to their ease of use and extremely good tolerability. In serious cases, personalized therapies are developed for patients. In addition to other medications, this also includes the use of endoscopic (keyhole) sinus surgery, which is usually performed in an inpatient setting under general anesthesia.
In very stubborn cases, specialized immunological therapies are used. Thanks to our commitment to clinical and basic research, we are always up to date with the latest treatments and can provide our patients with the best possible advice and, if necessary, include them in studies.