Dentoalveolar surgery

Dental surgery is the surgery of the oral cavity. This includes the exposure, extraction or surgical removal of teeth, apicoectomies and dental traumatology. This means the treatment of dental injuries, e.g. as a result of a bicycle accident.

Dental implants

After the complete loss of one or more teeth, it may be necessary to replace them with artificial tooth roots, so-called implants.

Today, dental implants are screw-shaped and are anchored in the jawbone. This is followed by a bone healing process around the implants, which is responsible for the stability of the implants in the bone. In many cases, it may also be necessary to build up the jawbone with either the patient’s own bone or bone replacement material before or during the placement of an implant. The soft tissue surrounding the teeth (oral mucosa) can also be improved to achieve an esthetically pleasing result and to ensure the long-term success of the implant restoration.


Comprehensive treatment planning, including the latest computer-assisted procedures, is essential. We are therefore pleased to be able to offer you cross-clinic care with the interdisciplinary augmentation and peri-implantitis consultation at the Center for Dental Medicine at the University of Zurich.

Other important fields are the surgical treatment of jaw cysts and the clarification of changes in the jawbone. Surgical treatments are usually performed under local anesthesia, although patients can also be given anesthesia if indicated.

Another part of our clinic’s treatment spectrum is the treatment of oral mucosal diseases. This includes the gentle treatment of aphthae using laser, biopsies of unclear changes and treatment with medication.

Complex treatments are treated as part of a special consultation with the Department of Dermatology at the University Hospital Zurich.
The Dento-Maxillofacial Radiology department deals with the imaging of displaced teeth, changes in the jawbone or injuries following accidents. State-of-the-art 3D imaging techniques are used for diagnosis and treatment planning. Minimizing radiation exposure is of central importance here.

Responsible squad

Raphael Marco Ferrari, Dr. med. Dr. med. dent.

Attending Physician, Department of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgery

Tel. +41 44 255 30 58
Specialties: Head and neck tumor surgery and reconstructive surgery, Dentoalveolar surgery (in particular bone augmentation and implantology), Facial traumatology

For patients

You can either register yourself or be referred by your family doctor, dentist or another medical colleague.

Tel. +41 44 255 30 58

For referrering physicians

University Hospital Zurich
Department of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgery
Raemistrasse 100
8091 Zurich

Tel. +41 44 255 30 58
Patient registration form

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