About the Obesity Center Zurich

The University Obesity Center sees itself as a multidisciplinary center that provides comprehensive assessment, treatment and structured care for patients with obesity and obesity-associated secondary diseases.

The center is part of the Abdominal Medicine – Metabolism department of the University Hospital Zurich. It is supported by the Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetology and Clinical Nutrition, the Clinic for Visceral Surgery and the Clinic for Gastroenterology. Five other clinics / institutes are centrally involved in the center and the treatment of the center’s patients: Internal Medicine, Psychiatry, Plastic Surgery, Pneumology, Anesthesiology.

Specialists who talk to each other

You benefit from an extensive network of experienced specialists: we bring together experts in the gastrointestinal tract, abdominal surgeons, specialists in hormones and metabolism, nutritionists/therapists, physiotherapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, plastic surgeons and specialists in internal medicine. All these experts have their finger on the pulse of research. They use their university knowledge to improve the quality of life of those affected. Our doctors will accompany you over a longer period of time and the interdisciplinary care team will help you to achieve your individual weight goals, feel good in your body and thus sustainably improve your quality of life.


As a university center, the Obesity Center Zurich is actively involved in obesity research, as evidenced by numerous ongoing projects, published studies and competitively acquired grants. It is important to us to pass on the knowledge we have acquired directly to our patients and to incorporate it into their treatment.

Our research focus is on the “Zurich Obesity Cohort” project. Our aim is to contribute to a better understanding of obesity and possible treatment options.


The Swiss Association for Metabolism and Obesity is a professional organization consisting of scientists, physicians and specialists who are involved in the research and treatment of obesity and its effects on the metabolism. It draws up guidelines and consensus in the field of obesity treatment that apply throughout Switzerland. PD Dr. med. Philipp A. Gerber is a member of the ASEMO Board of Directors.


The “Swiss Society for the Study of Morbid Obesity and Metabolic Disorder (SMOB)” is a professional organization consisting of physicians and specialists who are committed to research, treatment and information in the field of overweight and obesity. A particular focus is the evaluation of surgical methods and the creation of guidelines for their application. Prof. Dr. Macro Bueter is Vice President of the SMOB.

Regional network

The University Obesity Center is not isolated. As a tertiary treatment center, it works closely with regional obesity centers and specialists.

Certified by EASO

The Obesity Center Zurich is certified by EASO, the worldwide network of EASO Collaborating Centers for Obesity Management (COMs).