Lifestyle changes
As the University Center for Obesity and Metabolic Surgery, we offer comprehensive and holistic care to patients suffering from severe overweight/obesity and related metabolic diseases.
Obesity has been recognized as a chronic nutritional and metabolic disease since 1997. The number of people affected has risen dramatically in recent decades, so much so that doctors are already talking about an epidemic. However, those affected still often feel that they are on their own with their illness. In order to better address the needs of patients with obesity and to give the issue the appropriate weight, the University Hospital Zurich has established the Zurich Obesity Center. This helps those affected to find out more about the topic and to find an individual treatment that promises lasting success. Here we have compiled everything you need to know about obesity and its treatment.
Experience at our treatment center has shown that success often lies in the combination of different forms of therapy. That is why we at the University Hospital Zurich rely on multimodal therapies for the treatment of obesity.
In addition to multimodal therapies, the Obesity Center at the University Hospital Zurich offers comprehensive diagnostic and therapeutic options for the treatment of obesity:
The Obesity Center at the University Hospital Zurich offers you numerous advantages through its comprehensive diagnostics and multimodal therapy approaches, which are individually tailored to your needs.
Is your weight within the normal range? Use our BMI and BRI calculators to find out quickly and easily whether your body weight is healthy.