Nutritional Counseling/ Nutritional Therapy

The Nutrition Counseling / Nutritional Therapy department takes care of all nutritional therapy concerns on an inpatient and outpatient basis for internal registrations from all clinics and institutes of the USZ. We work closely with doctors, nursing staff and other medical and therapeutic specialists.

Nutrition Counseling

University Hospital Zurich
Raemistrasse 100
8091 Zurich

Nutritional advice / nutritional therapy for patients of the USZ

Individual, professional nutritional advice / nutritional therapy includes a holistic assessment with the collection of nutrition-relevant medical data. In addition to patient-specific information such as social situation, eating habits, knowledge and beliefs, etc., this also includes anthropometric measurements, nutritionally relevant drug therapies, biochemical data, physical activity and function, nutrition-related quality of life and the actual nutritional history (effective intake of food and/or artificial nutrition, energy and nutrient coverage). On the basis of this assessment, nutritional diagnoses are made and scientifically supported, practice-oriented nutritional therapy measures tailored to the individual patient are derived. The nutritional therapy goals are defined together with the patients and their implementation in everyday life is monitored. This enables us to maintain or improve the nutritional status, support the overall therapy and improve the quality of life.