Therapy of bone metastases (Radium-223)

Bone metastases are a symptomatically very relevant part of malignant disease. It has been repeatedly proven that patients with advanced bone tumours or metastases have a higher incidence of fractures, nerve complications or severe immobilizing pain. Bone-related events (SRE) are limiting for patients, especially in tumors such as prostate cancer.


Radium-223 was approved in Switzerland in 2014 with the help of the University Hospital Zurich. Ra-223 is an analog of calcium and is deposited in active bone metastases. Due to the high and pinpoint irradiation of radium-223, all bone metastases in the body are treated with a high level of local irradiation. Since radium-223 is a so-called alpha emitter, only about 10 cell diameters are treated locally. The indication is the treatment of patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) and symptomatic bone metastases without known visceral metastases if chemotherapy is not indicated or in case of progression after docetaxel.


Ablauf der Radium 223 Therapie beim Prostatakarzinom

Indications for radium-223 therapy

General indication
Patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) and symptomatic bone metastases without known visceral metastases if chemotherapy is not indicated or in case of progression after docetaxel. Hb < 10g/dl, Tc < 100’000 /ul, ANC < 1’500 ug/l

Responsible doctors

Ivette Engel-Bicik, Dr. med.

Senior Attending Physician, Department of Nuclear Medicine

Tel. +41 44 255 35 55
Specialties: Thyroid diseases incl. Therapy, Radionuclide therapies (SIRT, PRRT, Xofigo)

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