SIRT using resinous microspheres, is a reimbursable procedure in Switzerland. The text in the Swiss catalogue (KLV) listing such procedures states: in cases of inoperable liver tumors not amenable to chemotherapy, in which other locally ablative therapies are not possible or have not shown any effect”. This holds for all liver metastases or primary liver tumors at Zurich University Hospital mainly patients in late inoperable states and after multiple lines of chemotherapy are presented to the interdisciplinary tumor board. In such cases, first an all encompassing internal medical / oncological assessment of the patient is necessary. This assessment hinges on the performance status of the patient, the identification of the primary dominant localization of the tumor in the liver, the identification of the most recently applied chemotherapy and its potential interference with a SIR-Therapy. Important prerequisites to treat the patient with a SIR-Therapy are mainly a intact liver function, i. e. the absence of ascites as a sign of an advanced liver insufficiency, elevated bilirubin (1.5x above normal values), deranged coagulation status, elevated transaminases as well as thrombocytopenia. The indication for SIRT is summarized below.