The Department of Neuroradiology employs over 70 people in various professional groups. Here you will find information about our staff and their areas of activity.
Director of Department, Department of Neuroradiology
Senior Physician, Department of Neuroradiology
Senior Physician, Vice Director of Department, Department of Neuroradiology
Senior Physician, Department of Neuroradiology
Senior Physician, Department of Neuroradiology
Senior Attending Physician, Department of Neuroradiology
Senior Physician, Vice Director of Department, Department of Neuroradiology
Senior Physician, Department of Neuroradiology
Attending Physician, Department of Neuroradiology
Attending Physician, Department of Neuroradiology
Attending Physician, Department of Neuroradiology
Attending Physician, Department of Neuroradiology
Attending Physician, Department of Neuroradiology
Attending Physician, Department of Neuroradiology
Attending Physician, Department of Neuroradiology
Attending Physician, Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
Attending Physician, Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
Resident, Department of Neuroradiology