HPV vaccination advice

Infections with human papillomaviruses (HPV) are among the most common sexually transmitted infections. Although infections with the human papillomavirus (HPV) usually heal without consequences, they can also be chronic and increase the risk of precancerous lesions and cancer in the ano-genital or mouth/throat area.


The HPV vaccination (offered by cantonal vaccination programs) protects against infection with certain human papillomaviruses and is recommended especially for young women (since 2015 also for young men) before entering into intimate relationships. In addition to this classic indication, there are also other situations in which the vaccination can make sense (usually not a compulsory benefit provided by the health insurance company). These and other measures to prevent HPV infection or to reduce the risk of recurrence of precancerous lesions after treatment are the subject of the consultations offered in the dysplasia consultation. HPV vaccinations are of course also carried out.

HPV vaccination for the prevention of cervical cancer

After years of research and proof of efficacy, the first vaccine against cancer-causing papillomaviruses has been available in Switzerland since January 2007. The Department of Gynecology at the University Hospital Zurich always strives to keep you informed about the latest medical advances to maintain your health.

This information brochure is intended to answer the most important questions about the HPV vaccination.

Information brochure

Responsible senior physicians

Robert Grabolus

Attending Physician, Department of Gynecology

Tel. +41 44 255 50 36
Specialties: Endometriosis (surgical and conservative therapies), Dysplasias (colposcopy diploma AGCPC), Myomas (surgical and conservative therapies)

For patients

You can either register yourself or be referred by your primary care physician or gynecologist.

Tel. +41 44 255 50 36

Monday – Friday from 7.45 a.m. – 4.45 p.m.


For referrering physicians

Simply assign your patient online.

Dysplasia consultation

To the consultation

Interdisciplinary gynecological-dermatological consultation hours

To the consultation

If you have any questions, please contact:

Tel. +41 44 255 50 36

Monday – Friday
7.45 a.m. – 4.45 p.m.

Assign online

Responsible Department

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