X-ray surface therapy

X-ray surface therapy is part of the special unit for physical therapies. It is of particular importance in dermatology. We use X-ray surface therapy to treat various types of skin cancer and selected benign skin diseases

Applications for skin cancer

(with suitable histology and clinic)

  • Actinic keratoses (extensive on the scalp)
  • Basal cell carcinoma
  • Lentigo maligna in situ
  • Kaposi’s sarcoma
  • Cutaneous lymphomas
  • Spinocellular carcinomas

and if surgical removal of the tumor is not possible or only possible with difficulty. For example, in the following cases:

  • in surgically sensitive areas such as the inner corner of the eye
  • in elderly patients for whom anesthesia for surgery is delicate
  • For severe forms of skin cancer, in each case in combination within the overall treatment concept in addition to appropriate drug treatment

A doctor treats a patient with light therapy

Keloids (benign excessive scarring)

Adjuvant (postoperative) radiotherapy is recommended after a keloid excision, for keloid recurrences and for keloids that are difficult to treat with other methods. In addition, their use can be considered after other surgical procedures in patients with a tendency to pathological (excessive) scarring.

Postoperative irradiation after excision of a keloid should ideally begin within 7 hours, at the latest within 24 hours.

The department has two modern X-ray machines for superficial radiotherapy of skin cancer, selected refractory inflammatory skin diseases and pathological scarring (keloids). Every day, the highly specialized MTRA (medical-technical radiology assistants) and medical team carefully discuss each patient.

Explanatory videos

Video on X-ray surface therapy

Patient brochures

Various patient brochures are available for download as PDF files. You can also order printed copies of the brochures.

For patients

As a patient, you cannot register directly for a consultation. Please get a referral from your primary care physician, specialist.

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