Treatment Splint therapy
Favoring, triggering and maintaining factors for head, facial and jaw joint pain can also be found in the masticatory system. This usually involves dysregulation of the closure of the dental arch (occlusion, articulation), the internal structures of the temporomandibular joint (capsule, ligaments, disc, cartilage, bone) or the masticatory muscles (parafunction, grinding, clenching), which are referred to as craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD), temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD) or myoarthropathy. At the latest when these dysregulations cause pain or other complaints (feeling of pressure in front of the ear), they require treatment that must be guided by the idea of a gentle and reversible procedure.
Splint therapies often lead to an improvement in the symptoms of functional temporomandibular joint disorders, especially in combination with physiotherapy and behavioral therapies. Nowadays, night-time splint therapy is recommended for temporomandibular joint disorders.