CCCZ Membership

Members of the CCCZ generally have to meet the following requirements:

  • You are a member/employee of the UZH, the USZ, Balgrist University Hospital, the University Children’s Hospital Zurich or ETH Zurich with a strong connection to cancer research or cancer medicine, AND
  • are in a position as group leader (research) or senior physician (clinic),

AND must meet at least one of the following criteria of scientific excellence:

  • You are a Principal Invest igator or Co-Principal Investigator in an ongoing externally funded project in the field of oncology, where project funds have been competitively awarded through peer review and are derived from national or international funding.
  • Have recent scientific publications in the field of oncology that have undergone peer review (last 2 years).
  • You are Principal Investigator of an oncology clinical trial at the Zurich site or enroll patients in cancer clinical trials every year.

Membership expires automatically when a member leaves the UZH, the USZ, Balgrist University Hospital, the University Children’s Hospital Zurich or ETH Zurich.

Membership is limited to four years and may be renewed upon written application. The CCCZ Board of Directors decides on the admission of members.


CCCZ Members


Membership must be applied for in writing to Chair CCCZ. Please send the application form by email.

Application form