Clinical Trials Center

We are your partner for excellent clinical research. With our experienced team, we offer customized solutions for every phase of your study. Put your trust in our expertise and let us shape the future of medicine together.

Clinical Trials Center

University Hospital Zurich
Moussonstrasse 2
(entrance terrace)
8044 Zurich
Tel. +41 43 253 02 43

Clinical Research Ward

University Hospital Zurich
Rämistrasse 100
NORD1 U 358
8091 Zurich

Your research is exciting – Our methods reliable

Our experts plan your projects together with you. Rely on our proven methods and experience to achieve your research goals. Discover our wide range of services, including individual consulting, study preparation, data management, quality control and training.


Contact point CTC

The project coordination is your first point of contact for the realization of your research project. We will receive your request and coordinate your project within CTC to ensure optimum service provision.

Contact us without obligation – we will be happy to give you more information!

Tel. +41 44 255 33 82