Varicocele therapy

Closure of the veins using catheter technology

One treatment option for varicocele is a minimally invasive catheter procedure. This is usually done on an outpatient basis and is performed in a special room with X-ray equipment (catheter laboratory). A thin tube (catheter) is inserted into the testicular vein via an access port, which is usually made through a small incision in the groin or neck. This is done after local anesthesia of the skin. A contrast agent is then injected, and you may feel a sensation of warmth. The X-ray images taken show the attending physician exactly where the vein is located.

Using alcohol foam and wire spirals (coils), the causative vein (testicular vein or branches of the internal iliac vein) is closed directly via the inserted catheter during the same session. In special forms with constricted main veins, the first step is balloon dilation with stent implantation to improve the outflow from the varicocele. In these cases, sclerotherapy using alcohol foam or wire coils can sometimes be dispensed with.

The result of the treatment is checked by a final control x-ray. The catheter is then removed and the puncture site is pressed to stop the bleeding. A pressure bandage is then occasionally applied. To avoid bleeding complications, it is absolutely essential that you follow the instructions of the staff. You should comply with the prescribed bed rest.

For patients

As a patient, you cannot register directly for a consultation. Please get a referral from your primary care physician, specialist.

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