PCOS Consultation

We offer patients diagnostics, therapy and counseling for suspected or already diagnosed PCO syndrome.

As varied as the manifestations of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are, as individual are the treatment requirements. With the help of our interdisciplinary, closely networked treatment team, consisting of experts from within and outside the USZ, we offer comprehensive diagnostics, treatment and advice tailored to your needs:

  • Comprehensive information and diagnostics incl. Extensive laboratory tests
  • Exclusion of other causes
  • Collaboration with other clinics in our interdisciplinary PCOS Center Zurich
  • Nutrition and diabetes advice and obesity consultation
  • Exercise therapy at the Balgrist University Sports Center and physiotherapy/movement therapy at the USZ (lifestyle measures)
  • Dermatological/cosmetic therapies for acne or increased body hair (laser)
  • Psychotherapy/Coaching
  • Prevention and screening for long-term consequences (e.g. diabetes, eye changes, etc.)
  • Needs-oriented hormonal therapy: contraception, cycle regulation
  • Support and advice if you want to have children
  • Further specialist care even after the initial diagnosis

For patients

As a patient, you can register directly for a consultation using the form or be referred by your family doctor.


For referrering physicians

Simply assign your patient online.

University Hospital Zurich
Department of Reproductive Endocrinology
Medical management
Frauenklinikstrasse 10
8091 Zurich

Tel. +41 44 255 50 09

Telephone hours: Monday – Friday: 9.00 – 12.00 h and 13.00 – 16.30 h

Assign online


Department of Reproductive Endocrinology
North1, B336
Frauenklinikstrasse 10
8091 Zurich

Responsible squad

Mareike Roth-Hochreutener, Dr. med.

Attending Physician, Department of Reproductive Endocrinology

Tel. +41 44 255 50 09
Specialties: Fertility, Polycystic ovary syndrome