Energy management at the USZ

We are reducing energy from gas and oil and continuously cutting our energy consumption. Between 2017 and 2023, we implemented over 350 improvement measures in this area.

Less fossil energy

Today, the USZ covers 100 percent of its electricity requirements with wind energy. We also use heat in the form of hot water and steam. We use this heat to heat or sterilize surgical instruments, for example. Two thirds of the heat comes from CO2 neutral sources. Gas and oil are only used to cover peak loads during the day and in winter. Our district heating supplier ewz has set itself the goal of reducing this proportion of fossil fuels from 22% to zero by 2040.

Increase energy efficiency

In 2008, the USZ signed a target agreement with the Canton of Zurich in which the hospital undertook to achieve an annual increase in energy efficiency of 1.5%. The USZ has always been able to exceed this target.

Graphic on energy efficiency 2005-2030

Energy efficiency depends on the energy consumed in relation to the hospital services provided. External factors such as the outside temperature also influence energy efficiency. The reduction in 2020 can be attributed to the increased need for ventilation due to the coronavirus pandemic and the reduction in hospital services. In 2022, the decline is due to the warmer summer.

Energy efficiency depends on the energy consumed in relation to the hospital services provided. External factors such as the outside temperature also influence energy efficiency. The reduction in 2020 can be attributed to the increased need for ventilation due to the coronavirus pandemic and the reduction in hospital services. In 2022, the decline is due to the warmer summer.

Systematic improvements

The USZ is highly committed to the sustainable use of energy. The activities in this area are based, among other things, on six principles for dealing with energy, which the hospital management adopted in 2016. In 2017, the USZ was the first Swiss hospital to receive ISO 50001 certification for its energy management from the Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems (SQS).

Reduce energy consumption

Between 2017 and 2023, we implemented over 350 measures to reduce energy consumption:

  • Replacement of light sources with LEDs
  • Replacement of ventilation systems
  • Better energy recovery (e.g. waste heat from appliances that is used for heating)
  • Replacing appliances with more energy-efficient models
  • Insulation of building facades
  • Reduction of room temperatures
  • Raise employee awareness (switch off appliances, ventilate correctly, etc.)

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