Diversity & Inclusion at the USZ

Our employees are our success factor thanks to their social, cultural and ethnic diversity. We build on their individual strengths to help them progress and promote equal opportunities in the workplace.

Our diversity in figures

We employ more than 8,000 people in a total of 120 professions and 500 functions. We live diversity and welcome it.

  • 70% women, 30% men
  • Continued employment rate after maternity leave 81.6%
  • 87 nationalities
  • Average age 40 years
  • Part-time rate 55.9%, in management 45.5%

Further figures and details can be found in the current Diversity & Inclusion Report.

We are committed to this

Our employees have friends and families and are committed both privately and professionally. That’s why we offer support in finding the right balance between family, work and leisure. We attach great importance to the health and well-being of our employees and also offer a range of internal and external specialist advisory services.

We offer our employees modern and flexible working models. These can be discussed individually with the manager and implemented where operationally possible.

We pay a function- and performance-related salary and make no distinction between the sexes. We review our salary system with regular salary analyses. We have committed ourselves to this by signing the Charter for Equal Pay in the Public Sector, among other things.

We have set ourselves the goal of ensuring gender equality in management positions and increasing the proportion of women, particularly in medical management. An equal opportunities committee is also committed to achieving this goal. We want to offer our employees a working environment in which everyone has the same development opportunities. Strategic personnel planning should create fair conditions in terms of employment, allocation of tasks, promotion and training and development. Network meetings are another initiative to improve equal opportunities in medical management.

We are convinced that all our employees can develop best when we create and maintain a tolerant, respectful and appreciative working environment. This should be free of discrimination on the basis of gender, religion, origin, nationality, sexual orientation, disability, age, profession and position or other legally protected personal characteristics.

We underline our commitment to an inclusive corporate culture with various campaigns. This includes during Pride week, when we show our colors for our employees from the LGBTQI+ community.


We are happy to provide information about our initiatives and accept feedback and input.