Gastroschisis (abdominal wall defect)

Gastroschisis is an incomplete closure of the fetal abdominal wall with the result that a gap remains in the abdominal wall.

The defect allows intestinal loops to escape from the fetal abdomen and be damaged by contact with amniotic fluid. As a rule, this malformation occurs in isolation, i.e. without other malformations. In many cases, gastroschisis is detected during regular pregnancy checks, so that interdisciplinary consultation is possible even before birth.

In certain cases, the bowel can be moved back into the abdominal cavity shortly after birth and the abdominal wall primarily closed. If a primary closure is not possible, a so-called secondary abdominal wall closure is performed. In this case, the child is transferred directly from the delivery room to the University Children’s Hospital Zurich for further monitoring and treatment.

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