Echocardiographic examinations

Echocardiography is an ultrasound examination of the heart. The examination provides information on what the structures of the heart look like and how they function.

It is used to detect dysfunctions of the ventricles and atria. It also detects heart defects, heart valve defects, cardiac insufficiency, pericardial diseases and scarring after a heart attack. Color Doppler echocardiography can be used to visualize processes in the heart in color. The doctor sees how the ventricles fill with blood, how the heart valves move and how the heart works. The blood flow in the heart and the function of the heart valves can therefore be examined particularly well.

Our team consists of specialists with many years of training who have specialized almost exclusively in carrying out echocardiographies and thus perform examinations of outstanding quality.

We carry out various types of echocardiography:

Transthoracic echocardiography

The ultrasound probe is placed on the chest (thorax). The images of the heart are taken via the chest wall.

Transesophageal echocardiography

The ultrasound probe is inserted into the esophagus. This requires the patient to swallow a thin tube. The images of the heart are taken from the esophagus.

Stress echocardiography or exercise echocardiography

Transthoracic echocardiography is performed under physical or medical stress. The recordings at rest are compared with those under stress, which allows conclusions to be drawn about the function of the heart under stress.

Treatment team

Echocardiography team

For patients

Please use our contact form to register for a consultation.

Contact form

For referrering physicians

University Hospital Zurich
University Heart Center Zurich
Raemistrasse 100
8091 Zurich

Tel. +41 44 255 15 15
Patient registration form

Responsible Department