Breast augmentation is one of the most common plastic and aesthetic surgery procedures in Switzerland.
Many patients from all age categories feel the desire for larger breasts. Some have had small breasts since puberty due to their predisposition. Others have experienced “empty” breasts after pregnancy or breastfeeding. Weight loss or the ageing process can also permanently change breasts.
The use of silicone implants allows us to respond to the different expectations of patients. Silicone implants are available in various shapes and countless sizes.
In contrast to autologous fat breast augmentation, breast augmentation with silicone implants allows for an enlargement of more than one bra cup size. If desired, breast augmentation can be combined with a breast lift.
Basically, our goal is a beautifully contoured and natural-looking breast.
Prior to the operation, we will discuss your ideas in a detailed consultation and determine the appropriate technique (incision, implant position, implant size and shape).
In the 14 days before the operation, you should refrain from taking painkillers that affect blood clotting (e.g. aspirin). We also recommend abstaining from nicotine consumption for two weeks before and after the operation.
Breast augmentation is performed as part of a 1-2 day hospitalization under general anesthesia. A small incision is made in the underbust fold at the edge of the areola or in the armpit area to create a space for the implant.
The implant can be inserted either on or under the pectoral muscle during breast augmentation. The choice of implant position depends on various factors and your wishes. After the implants have been inserted, the skin is sutured with absorbable sutures. A supportive bandage is applied in the operating room.
Which implants are used?
Modern breast implants consist of a silicone shell and a cohesive silicone filling, which means that even if the shell is damaged, the silicone cannot leak.
A basic distinction is made between round and anatomical (teardrop-shaped) implants. These are each available with different projections and in many sizes.
The supporting bandage and the drainage tubes for the wound secretions are removed the day after the operation. This is followed by the fitting of a sports bra, which should be worn day and night for a total of six weeks. In some cases, we also recommend wearing a chest band for the first two weeks.
Possible complications
During the natural healing process, a fine connective tissue envelope (capsule) forms around the silicone implant. From a complication with the Breast augmentation is when there is a scarred thickening of the shell, a so-called capsular fibrosis, which in some cases makes it necessary to change the silicone implant.
Very rarely, there is a temporary loss of sensation in the nipple or a reduced ability to breastfeed.
As with all operations, breast augmentation with silicone implants also involves the risk of post-operative bleeding, infection, wound healing disorders or excessive scarring.
If you do not want an implantation of foreign material, we also offer breast augmentation with autologous fat.