Vasculitis treatment

Vasculitis is a chronic inflammatory disease, which makes immunosuppressive therapy necessary for many patients in order to prevent severe irreversible organ damage or even organ failure.


Depending on the different organ involvement, very different examinations are often necessary for vasculitis. In addition to vascular imaging methods such as vascular ultrasound, angiography and magnetic resonance angiography, other imaging methods of affected organs such as computer tomography of the lungs or the ear, nose and throat tract are also used. In the case of vasculitis, the diagnosis often has to be confirmed by taking a tissue sample and performing a histological examination. Laboratory tests with various inflammatory values and possibly autoantibodies are an important part of the investigations. Due to the many facets with which vasculitis can present itself, the type and scope of diagnostic investigations must be tailored to the individual patient.


Corticosteroids often have to be used for acute treatment. The duration of treatment with corticosteroids is kept as short as possible, which is why other corticosteroid-sparing therapies are used. In some vasculitides, decisive progress has been made in recent years with new targeted therapies (“biologics”). The treatment options are evaluated in the consultation hours and an individual treatment plan is drawn up.


Depending on the organ involvement, systemic diseases require close cooperation with various specialist disciplines. In the case of vasculitis, there is particularly close cooperation with the clinics for dermatology, angiology, pneumology, neurology, ORL and ophthalmology, as well as numerous other specialist disciplines.

Responsible specialist

Mike Oliver Becker, PD Dr. med.

Attending Physician, Department of Rheumatology

Tel. +41 44 255 26 87
Specialties: Inflammatory systemic diseases, in particular vasculitis, collagenoses, Clinical studies, capillary microscopy

For patients

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