Endosonographies – anal

You have been diagnosed with a pathological process in the large intestine/rectum. Endosonography is performed to better delineate the tumor and, in particular, to better assess its extension into the depths and to adjacent structures.


Endosonography differs from colonoscopy only in that a special device with an ultrasound device at the tip is used to assess moving images of the tissue structures. The examination is carried out either with a thin, movable “tube” with a light source and a camera attached to its tip, or with a fixed device. At the end of each of these instruments is a special device with an ultrasound unit. After inserting the instrument into the anus, it is brought to the section of bowel to be examined and the actual ultrasound examination can begin.

If a tissue sample (biopsy) is taken with a needle (EUS-guided fine needle aspiration), this is done during the same examination without you noticing anything. During the examination, a specially trained nurse is present in addition to the doctor.


In the vast majority of cases, an enema is performed before the examination to cleanse the lower colon. Only in exceptional cases, if the lesions to be assessed are located further up in the bowel, does the bowel have to be cleansed with laxative medication as for a colonoscopy. Please then follow the instructions for bowel cleansing


Immediately after the examination, your examining doctor will discuss the findings with you and inform you about any necessary follow-up examinations. Afterwards you can go home and eat and drink as usual.

For patients

As a patient, you cannot register directly for a consultation. Please get a referral from your primary care physician, specialist.

For referrering physicians

Easily assign your patient online.

University Hospital Zurich
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Raemistrasse 100
8091 Zurich

Tel. +41 44 255 85 48
Patient registration form