These malformations primarily affect women, but sometimes also men. As the name suggests, anomalies of the breast are congenital and benign. Some can be recognized immediately after birth, such as a third nipple, others only with the onset of puberty, such as differently sized breasts. Treatment is not always necessary, but if desired, modern plastic surgery offers a whole range of options for correction.
What are breast abnormalities?
These types of breast changes and malformations have no pathological value, which means that breast abnormalities are always benign and not malignant, as is the case with cancer.
However, depending on the type of disorder or its severity, they are not only a psychological burden, but can also have an indirect physical impact. There are various forms of investment disorders, which can be divided into two groups:
- Disorders that can be recognized immediately after birth and
- Disorders that only become apparent at the onset of puberty.
Disorders from birth
- Athelie – missing nipples
- Polythelia – supernumerary nipples. One or even several additional nipples may be present on the so-called embryonic milk ridge. This is an important line of attachment during embryonic development, which extends from the labia to the armpits. Incidentally, polythelia does not only affect women, but can also occur, albeit rarely, in men.
- Polymastia or accessory mammary gland – an additional breast is created, with nipple and areola. It can already be recognized in newborns and develops with the onset of puberty. This supernumerary mammary gland is located on the embryonic mammary ridge and affects up to five percent of women. The additional mammary gland can also develop towards the armpit. This is known as an aberrant nipple.
Disorders recognizable during puberty
- Anisomastia – breasts of different sizes, the most common anomaly of the breast. During puberty, both breasts do not increase in size to the same extent and develop asymmetrically.
- Amastia – missing breasts
- Mastoptosis – these are sagging breasts that usually occur when the connective tissue is weak, but also if the woman is very overweight and/or somewhat older.
- Micromastia – the breasts are extremely small.
- Macromastia – the breasts are much too large compared to the age-appropriate norm.
Breast abnormalities: causes and risk factors
Although not everything is known about the causes of every congenital breast disorder, such as polymastia, it is certain that two factors play a role in most congenital malformations: hormones and genes.
If, for example, the nipple is missing, as in the case of athelie, either the genetic make-up may already have been damaged or the embryo was exposed to damaging influences during its development. If the breast is clearly too small, this is micromastia. In this disorder, there may be too few hormone receptors (for progesterone and oestrogen) or there is too little mammary gland tissue available.
But there are also exceptions; a malformation or change does not always have to be a congenital disorder. For example, external factors can also play a role in the underdevelopment of a mammary gland, such as inflammation or certain treatments at an early age, such as radiotherapy.
Symptoms: Some unilateral, some on both sides
As already mentioned, the symptoms of anomalies of the breast sometimes appear immediately after birth (no nipples or supernumerary nipples) or only at the beginning of puberty, because this is when the glandular ducts form and the breast grows. There are also other differentiations: The disorder can affect only one side or both. This applies to a lack of breast development, but also to underdeveloped breasts.
In contrast, supernumerary breasts usually only develop on one embryonic mammary ridge, i.e. on one side. Typical signs of this are
- darker pigmentation of the skin in one area.
- The skin is somewhat calloused.
- Islands of hair form.
- One part of the breast bulges out.
The supernumerary breast behaves like any other normal breast: with the onset of puberty, i.e. sexual maturity, it begins to grow, can tighten slightly before the onset of menstruation and during pregnancy and, when the baby is born, can even produce milk.
Breast apposition disorders do not usually cause painful symptoms or pose a health risk. In some cases, however, they can indirectly lead to discomfort: If the breasts are too large and therefore too heavy, or if the difference in size is pronounced, this can put a lot of strain on the thoracic, back and neck vertebrae, tendons and ligaments. Then the following symptoms may occur:
- Neck pain
- Back pain
- Headache
- Migraine
- In the long term, incorrect posture develops.
- Excessively large breasts or sagging breasts: inflammation with chronic skin infections or fungal diseases
Disorders of the breast: diagnosis with us
Some of the breast malformations can be recognized immediately after birth, such as additional nipples, but also additional breasts. Diagnosis in newborns is particularly important because these anomalies of the breast often occur together with other developmental disorders. These can be problems with the digestive organs or the kidneys. We will then examine whether these organs are properly formed and functioning.
However, the other breast malformations, which often only become apparent at puberty, can also be detected earlier and should be clarified with a biopsy. A tissue examination reveals the type of abnormality and whether it may need to be treated.
Disorders of the breast: prevention, early detection, prognosis
In most cases, breast abnormalities cannot be prevented because they are congenital and are therefore in the genes. Only in an extremely small proportion of these disorders do external influences change the breast or nipple – such as inflammation or radiotherapy.
However, an early diagnosis by us is important in any case in order to assess whether and when the malformation should be treated or corrected.
Progression and prognosis for anomalies of the breast
Congenital malformations of the breast are benign, but can be emotionally distressing. They do not usually endanger physical health. However, certain disorders can cause discomfort in the thoracic and cervical spine – if the breasts are too large on both sides or if the difference in size between the two breasts is too pronounced.
However, even in these cases, the prognosis is generally good because these malformations can be easily corrected surgically.
Disorders of the breast: treatment
As a rule, a breast disorder does not need to be treated. However, if the deformity causes physical discomfort or the emotional burden is too great, breast surgery may be advisable.
Breast surgery: possible procedures
Depending on the type of deformity, there are various operations to correct the breast or nipples:
- Breast reduction (mammary reduction) for overly large breasts: The aim of the operation is to reduce the volume. The surgeon not only removes skin, but also fatty tissue and mammary gland tissue. He or she reduces the size of the areola and places the nipple so that it fits the newly modeled, smaller breast. An intelligent incision – once around the areola and then vertically downwards to the underbust crease – avoids noticeable scars. After a breast reduction, you will wear a customized support bra around the clock for around six weeks to relieve the scars and maintain your new shape.
- Breast augmentation for congenitally small or differently sized breasts: To enlarge a breast, the surgeon can work with the patient’s own fat (lipofilling) or tissue. Or silicone implants can be used for augmentation (breast augmentation). These implants are available in different sizes and shapes (round, teardrop-shaped, etc.). Modern silicone implants are designed in such a way that the silicone cannot leak, even if the shell of the filling pad is damaged. The procedure is performed as gently as possible, often using microsurgery.
- Correcting a missing nipple: A nipple can be surgically constructed. The plastic surgeon uses techniques such as local flap plastic surgery, in which local tissue is moved. Pigmentation is achieved by cosmetic tattooing.
- Breast lift (mastopexy): The surgeon proceeds in a similar way to breast reduction, but mainly tightens the skin.
- Excess nipples and breasts: They can be completely removed surgically.
Details of the treatments