Diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal tumors is carried out on an interdisciplinary basis at the Visceral Oncology Center of the Comprehensive Cancer Center Zurich(CCCZ) in close collaboration between medical oncology with visceral surgery, gastroenterology/endoscopy, diagnostic and interventional radiology, molecular pathology, radiation oncology and complementary medicine.
The Clinic for Medical Oncology and Hematology (MOH) focuses on the systemic treatment of these tumors, including chemotherapy, molecularly targeted substances and immunotherapy. The treatment is planned and carried out by an experienced and well-coordinated team of proven medical experts and oncology nurses.
Multimodal therapy
The aim is the optimal interaction of different therapy methods for an individualized, gentle and at the same time most effective cancer treatment. Regular interdisciplinary tumor conferences(tumor boards), at which experts from the relevant fields discuss the findings and suggest further diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, are the linchpin of our work. We have already established interdisciplinary special consultation hours for many areas, in which the patient is advised jointly by specialists in medical oncology and surgery.
Precision oncology and individualized treatment
Cancer medicine is changing towards personalized treatment based on the individual tumor and its molecular and biological structure.
In close cooperation with molecular pathology, we consistently implement precision oncology in all areas and offer our patients comprehensive molecular diagnostics in a targeted manner. The often complex findings are analyzed in a special conference and translated into practical recommendations.
Clinical Trials
Treatment within clinical trials gives our patients access to the latest therapies. Our study patients are cared for by a competent team of doctors and study coordinators.
One focus of our department is on expanding the range of studies in the field of early phase studies (phase I/II), molecularly stratified studies (precision oncology) and immunotherapy studies.
We also work closely with national (SAKK, Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research) and international study groups.
Recruiting studies
Patients and referring physicians are welcome to contact us at any time by e-mail or telephone.
Study Coordination Tel. +41 44 255 21 56
Translational research
As a university center, we are committed to actively pursuing and promoting progress in cancer medicine. The aim of translational cancer research is to responsibly transfer findings from basic research to the clinic so that patients benefit from progress at an early stage and at the same time diagnostics and treatment are further improved.
One research focus is on the development of modern biomarkers for the personalization and molecular monitoring of cancer therapy. In collaboration with partner departments and basic science research groups at the site, we investigate the role of the microbiome in the treatment of colorectal cancer, study signal transduction in cancer cells, and analyze individual treatment options using co-clinical organoid cultures.
Intestinal Tumor Center
At the Colorectal Tumor Center, we offer the entire spectrum of screening, diagnostics, treatment and aftercare for colorectal cancer at all stages. Special focus areas are state-of-the-art endoscopy, robot-assisted surgery and precision oncology.