Hypogonadism therapy

A slow decline in testosterone levels over the years is usually part of the natural ageing process. Treatment for testosterone deficiency makes sense if you also suffer from it - physically and mentally.

Hypogonadism: what you can do yourself

Various over-the-counter preparations are available on the market for treatment, but you should only take these after consulting your doctor. As a person affected, you have the opportunity to alleviate the consequences of low testosterone yourself by

  • Reduce excess weight,
  • Change your diet to healthy and health-promoting foods,
  • exercise regularly
  • Avoid stress or reduce stress (for example through relaxation techniques),
  • get enough sleep and
  • abstain from alcohol, nicotine and drugs.

Psychotherapy can also help with a lack of sexual desire and erection problems. You should also have any other illnesses that affect your hormone balance examined by a doctor. Your symptoms may also be the result of medication or dietary supplements that you take regularly.

Hypogonadism: What we can do at the USZ

The treatment of choice for abnormally low testosterone is testosterone replacement therapy. We will suggest appropriate treatment if the testosterone deficiency is causing you discomfort or otherwise harming your body. Testosterone preparations are available in the form of injections, tablets or gel. We will explain which therapy is suitable for you during a consultation.

The aims of the therapy include

  • Increase in bone density
  • Increase in muscle mass
  • Reduction of the body fat percentage
  • Increase sexual desire and erectile function
  • Alleviation of memory disorders and depression

Testosterone replacement therapy is not without risk. In addition to a very low risk of developing prostate cancer, which has not yet been conclusively proven, targeted hormone therapy is not suitable for men with:

  • Infertility,
  • Prostate or breast cancer,
  • Increased hematocrit (too many red blood cells)
  • Pronounced benign prostate enlargement

Responsible senior physician

Felix Beuschlein, Prof. Dr. med.

Director of Department, Department of Endocrinology, Diabetology and Clinical Nutrition

Tel. +41 44 255 36 25
Specialties: Endocrine hypertension, Adrenal gland diseases, Endocrine tumors

For patients

As a patient, you cannot register directly for a consultation. Please get a referral from your primary care physician, specialist.

For doctors

Simply assign your patient to us online.

Tel. Tel. +41 44 255 36 20
Patient registration form

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