Epicondylitis treatment

The treatment of epicondylitis is primarily conservative, i.e. non-surgical. It includes a reduction in the activities that cause the pain.


A forearm brace may be necessary to reduce the tension in the muscles involved. Physiotherapy, including stretching exercises, is another helpful measure to return the patient to normal activity. Anti-inflammatory medication and cortisone injections can be administered. The healing process is often protracted and it can take several weeks to heal.

If conservative therapy is not successful, surgical treatment may be necessary. The inflammatory degenerated muscle origins are removed and the muscles are reattached. At the same time, sensitive nerves that supply the elbow region are sclerosed (denervation).


The elbow and wrist are immobilized in a splint for two weeks. Subsequently, the patient is first mobilized without weight-bearing before the load is built up. Full weight bearing is realistic after approx. six to eight weeks.

For patients

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