
Cardio-Thoracic Symposium

Drainology: Leveraging Research in Chest Drain Management to Enhance Recovery After Cardiothoracic Surgery


Universitätsspital Zürich, Schmelzbergstrasse 12, 8091 Zürich

Lecture hall

Kleiner Hörsaal OST (HOER)




14:15 - 18:15


3 Credits SGHC, 2 Credits SGT, 1 Credit SGI




14:15 Welcome
Prof. Omer Dzemali
CHAIR: Dr. Achim Häussler und PD Dr. med. David Niederseer
14:30 Post-OP management in the ERAS Modell: what is to be considered?
Dr. Sonja Matter-Ensner, Universitätsspital Zürich
15:00 ERAS Approach: Applicable to all cardiac surgery patients?
Prof. Matthias Kirsch, CHUV Lausanne
15:30 Retained Blood Syndrome (RBS): what is this?
PD Dr. Jurij Kalisnik, Medical University Graz
CHAIR: Prof. Dr. med. Bettina Pfannmüller und PD. Dr. Hector Rodriguez
16:30 Post-OP Drainage management: Is it important and what do we know about it?
Prof. Theodor Fischlein, Klinikum Nürnberg
17:00 Minimal invasive cardiac surgery (MICS) & how proactive chest drain management could help.
Prof. Nestoras Papadopoulos, Universitätsspital Zürich
17:30 Posterior pericardiotomy in cardiac surgery: an alternative to conventional drainage management?
Dr. Stak Dushaj, Universitätsspital Zürich
18:00 Conclusion
Prof. Omer Dzemali
18:15 Apéro

In our work as part of cardiac surgery expert teams, there are some topics that lack the place they probably deserve. Moreover, well known programs to reduce complications and hospital stays like ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) are not yet been routinely implemented in many surgical units. The need to share clinical best practices that cover all aspects of the patient care is more urgent than ever!


Please register by 31.08.2024.


Viosana Lumani

Tel. 0442554729

Responsible Department