6th Zurich International Symposium on Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathies


Hotel Belvoir
Saal Belvoir
Säumerstrasse 37
8803 Rüschlikon

19.09.2024 13.30 - 19.00 Thursday
20.09.2024 8.30 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday

Preliminary program

1:30 pm Welcome speech
Firat Duru (Zurich) and Corinna Brunckhorst (Zurich)
1:40 pm Opening remarks
Monika Jänicke (Zurich)
1:45 pm Introduction: Rationale for a new international expert consensus document on arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy
Hugh Calkins (Baltimore) and Firat Duru (Zurich)

General sessions (I)

(Each presentation is followed by 10 minutes of discussion)
Chairs: William McKenna (London) and Gaetano Thiene (Padua)
2:00 pm Pathology of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy
Cristina Basso (Padua) and Jeffrey Saffitz (Boston)
2:25 pm Pathophysiology and mechanisms of disease
Mario Delmar (London) and Chantal van Opbergen (Amsterdam)
3:00 p.m. Genetic basis of disease
Peter van Tintelen (Amsterdam) and Cynthia James (Baltimore)
3:30 p.m. Coffee break
General sessions (II)
(Each presentation is followed by 10 minutes of discussion)
Chairs: Richard Hauer (Utrecht) and Wojciech Zareba (Rochester)
General approach to diagnostic testing
4:00 pm Electrocardiography
Pyotr Platonov (Lund)
4:20 pm Echocardiography
Kristina Haugaa (Oslo)
4:40 pm Magnetic resonance imaging
Stefan Zimmerman (Baltimore)
5:00 pm Risk stratification in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy
Julia Cadrin-Tourigny (Montreal)
5:30 p.m. Effects of physical activity
Ardan Saguner (Zurich)ICD and catheter ablation: Hari Tandri (Nashville)
Gene-based therapies: TBD
6:00 pm Arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy at a young age: special considerations for the pediatric population
Dominic Abrams (Boston) and Juan Pablo Kaski (London)
6:30 pm Concluding remarks
Frank Ruschitzka (Zurich)
6:35 pm Cocktail
7:00 pm Faculty Dinner

8:30 a.m. Opening remarks
Corinna Brunckhorst (Zurich)
Genotype sessions (I)
(Each presentation is followed by 10 minutes of discussion)
Chairs: Firat Duru (Zurich) and Hugh Calkins (Baltimore)
8:35 a.m. Plakophilin-2 (PKP2) cardiomyopathy
Cynthia James (Baltimore) and Anneline te Riele (Utrecht)
9:20 a.m. Desmoglein-2 (DSG2) / Desmocollin-2 (DSC2) Cardiomyopathy
Julia Cadrin-Tourigny (Montreal) and Daniel Judge (Charleston)
10:00 a.m. Desmoplakin (DSP) cardiomyopathy
Adam Helms (Ann Arbor) and Kalliopi Pilichou (Padova)
10:40 a.m. Coffee break
11:20 a.m. Phospholamban (PLN) cardiomyopathy
Moniek Cox (Utrecht) and Peter van Tintelen (Amsterdam)
12:20 pm Transmembrane protein 43 (TMEM43) cardiomyopathy
Kathy Hodgkinson (St. John’s) and Sean Connors (St. John’s)
1:00 pm Lunch Break
Genotype sessions (II)
(Each presentation is followed by 10 minutes of discussion)
Chairs: Corinna Brunckhorst (Zurich) and Hugh Calkins (Baltimore)
2:00 pm Plakoglobin (JUP) cardiomyopathy
Alexandros Protonotarios (London) and Adalena Tsatsopoulou (Athens)
2:35 pm Desmin (DES) cardiomyopathy
Juan Jimenez Jaimez (Granada) and Andreas Barth (Baltimore)
3:10 pm Filamin-C (FLNC) cardiomyopathy
Luisa Mestroni (Denver) and Job Verdonschot (Maastricht)
3:40 pm Cadherin-2 (CDH2) cardiomyopathy
Lia Crotti (Milan) and Paolo Cerea (Milan)
4:10 pm Coffee break

Genotype sessions (III) Treatment of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy

(Each lecture will be followed by 10 minutes of discussion)

4:40 pm Antiarrhythmic therapy
Wojciech Zareba (Rochester)
5:00 pm
ACE inhibitors, ARBs and aldosterone inhibitors

Larissa Fabritz (Hamburg)
5:20 pm
Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator

Andrew Krahn (Vancouver)
5:40 pm
Catheter ablation

Harikrishna Tandri (Nashville)
6:00 pm
Summary of Day 2 and closing remarks

Hugh Calkins (Baltimore) and Firat Duru (Zurich)
7:00 pm Gala Dinner

  • Abrams Dominic (Boston)
  • Ackerman Michael (Rochester)
  • Eagle Eric (San Diego)
  • Amin Ahmad (Amsterdam)
  • Anastasakis Aris (Athens)
  • Asatryan Babken (Baltimore)
  • Barth Andreas (Baltimore)
  • Basso Cristina (Padua)
  • Bauce Barbara (Padua)
  • Bermúdez Francisco (Granada)
  • Biller Ruth (Unterschleissheim)
  • Bluemke David (Madison)
  • Brunckhorst Corinna (Zurich)
  • Bundgaard Henning (Copenhagen)
  • Cadrin-Tourigny Julia (Montreal)
  • Calkins Hugh (Baltimore)
  • Cerea Paolo (Milan)
  • Cerrone Marina (New York)
  • Chelko Stephen (Baltimore)
  • Chen Ju (San Diego)
  • Chen Liang (Beijing)
  • Chen Vincent (Indianapolis)
  • Chevalier Philippe (Lyon)
  • Christensen Alex (Copenhagen)
  • Connors Sean (St. John’s Newfoundland)
  • Corrado Domenico (Padua)
  • Cox Moniek (Utrecht)
  • Cramer Maarten Jan (Utrecht)
  • Crotti Lia (Milan)
  • de Boer Rudolf (Utrecht)
  • Delmar Mario (New York)
  • Duru Firat (Zurich)
  • Elliott Perry (London)
  • Fabritz Larissa (Hamburg)
  • Gandjbakch Estelle (Paris)
  • Garcia Hernandez Soledad (Seville)
  • Gasperetti Allessio (Baltimore)
  • Gerull Brenda (Würzburg)
  • Gigli Marta (Trieste)
  • Gilotra Nisha (Baltimore)
  • Groeneweg Judith (Utrecht)
  • Hamilton Robert (Toronto)
  • Hastrup Svendsen Jesper (Copenhagen)
  • Hauer Richard (Utrecht)
  • Haugaa Kristina (Oslo)
  • Hays Allison (Baltimore)
  • Helms Adam (Ann Arbor)
  • Hershberger Ray (Columbus)
  • Hodgkinson Kathy (St. John’s Newfoundland)
  • James Cynthia (Baltimore)
  • Jimenez Jaimez Juan (Granada)
  • Jordan Elizabeth (Columbus)
  • Judge Daniel (Charleston)
  • Jurcut Ruxandra Oana (Bucharest)
  • Kaski Juan Pablo (London)
  • Krahn Andrew (Vancouver)
  • La Gerche Andre (Melbourne)
  • Lakdawala Neal (Boston)
  • Landstrom Andrew (Durham)
  • Macias Ruiz Rosa (Granada)
  • MacRae Calum (Boston)
  • Manka Robert (Zurich)
  • Mazzanti Andrea (Padova)
  • McKenna William (London)
  • Mestroni Luisa (Denver)
  • Monserrat Lorenzo (Coruna)
  • Murray Brittney (Baltimore)
  • Namasivayam Mayooran (Sydney)
  • Ochoa Juan Pablo (Coruna)
  • Olivotto Iacopo (Florence)
  • Parikh Victoria (Stanford)
  • Perazzolo Marra Martina (Padova)
  • Picard Michael (Boston)
  • Pilichou Kalliopi (Padua)
  • Platonov Pyotr (Lund)
  • Protonotarios Alexandros (London)
  • Rampazzo Alessandra (Padua)
  • Rizzo Stefania (Padova)
  • Saffitz Jeffrey (Boston)
  • Saguner Ardan (Zurich)
  • Sanborn Danita (Boston)
  • Schulze-Bahr Eric (Münster)
  • Semsarian Christopher (Sydney)
  • Sinagra Gianfranco (Trieste)
  • Spindler Volker (Hamburg)
  • Syrris Petros (London)
  • Tandri Harikrishna (Nashville)
  • Tanner Felix (Zurich)
  • Taylor Mathew (Denver)
  • te Riele Anneline (Utrecht)
  • Teske Arco (Utrecht)
  • Tichnell Crystal (Baltimore)
  • Towbin Jeffrey (Memphis)
  • Tsatsopoulou Adalena (Athens)
  • van Opbergen Chantal (Amsterdam)
  • van Spaendonck-Zwarts Karin (Utrecht)
  • van Tintelen Peter (Utrecht)
  • van Veen Toon (Utrecht)
  • Velthuis Birgitta (Utrecht)
  • Verdonschot Job (Utrecht)
  • Ware James (London)
  • Wilde Arthur (Amsterdam)
  • Zareba Wojciech (Rochester)
  • Zimmerman Stefan (Baltimore)

Program directors

To the registration

Program directors

Firat Duru, Prof. Dr. med.

Senior Attending Physician, Department of Cardiology

Tel. +41 44 255 20 99
Specialties: Interventional electrophysiology, Catheter ablation, Device Therapy

Corinna Isabel Beatrice Brunckhorst, Prof. Dr. med.

Senior Attending Physician, Department of Cardiology

Tel. +41 44 255 20 99
Specialties: Electrophysiology, Catheter ablation, Device Therapy


University Hospital Zurich
Department of Cardiology
Rämistrasse 100
CH-8091 Zurich

The 6th Zurich International Symposium on Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathies is mainly sponsored by the “Georg and Bertha Schwyzer-Winiker Foundation”, as well as partners from the pharmaceutical / medtech industry.