ZFMM Zurich International Symposium on Feto-Maternal Medicine

Our goal is to bring together world-leading experts to discuss practical solutions to current challenges in the field of "Feto-Maternal Medicine".


Grosser Hörsaal, Nord1 C
University Hospital Zurich
Frauenklinikstr. 10
8091 Zurich


SGGG: 14 credits for three days / 3 credits for 14.11.2024

14.11.2024 3 pm - 6 pm
15.11.2024 08.30 am - 05.30 pm
16.11.2024 09.00 - 14.30


Regular CHF 390.00
Resident Physicians CHF 200.00
Students CHF 50.00

The early bird registration fee of CHF 350.00 will be available until August 31st 2024.


Submission on these topics from March 1, 2024 until September 8th, 2024 to martin.ehrbar@usz.ch


There are a number of hotel rooms available for conference participants with discounted ZFMM rates. Please note that booking rooms at discounted rates is possible until October 25, 2024 and subject to availability: www.central.ch 044 256 56 56


3:00 p.m. Introduction
Prof. Nicole Ochsenbein
Chair: Prof. Christian Haslinger/ Prof. Anne David
3:05 pm US diagnostics in fetal growth restriction (FGR)
KD Michèle Stahel
3:25 pm US in twins – risk classification during the first and second trimester
Prof. Liesbeth Lewi
3:45 pm US in fetal skeletal anomalies
PD Tilo Burkhardt
4:05 pm Special cases / Best of abstracts
PD Tilo Burkhardt
4:25 pm Coffee break
Chair: PD Tilo Burkhardt/Prof. Liesbeth Lewi
4:55 pm Prenatal therapy of osteogenesis imperfecta – results of BOOSTB4
Prof. Anna David
5:20 pm US diagnostics of vena galeni malformation
Prof. Christian Haslinger
5:40 pm Fetal & neonatal therapy of vena galeni malformation
Prof. Zsolt Kulcsar
6:00 pm Apéro


08.30 am Registration
09.00 am Introduction Scientific Meeting
Prof. Martin Ehrbar
Chair: Prof. Martin Ehrbar/ Prof. Ramkumar Menon
09.10 am Cellular and molecular composition of the fetal membrane
Lukas Moser
09.30 am Contribution of EMT, oxidative stress and inflammation to the aging of fetal membranes
Prof. Ramkumar Menon
10.00 am 3 young investigator talks (5‘ elevator pitch)
Prof. Martin Ehrbar
10.30 a.m. Coffee break
Chair: Prof. Anna David / Prof. Nicole Ochsenbein
10.45 a.m. Fetal therapy & the risk of PPROM – clinical implications
Prof. Julie S. Moldenhauer
11.20 a.m. Repair mechanisms in membrane defects after fetal surgery
Prof. Tina Chowdhury
11.40 a.m. 3 young investigator talks (5‘ elevator pitch)
Prof. Martin Ehrbar


12.00 p.m. Lunch Break
1.00 p.m. Introduction
Prof. Nicole Ochsenbein
Chair: Prof. Jan Deprest / Dr. Ladina Rüegg
1.05 pm Prenatal genetic testing – Possibilities and Limitations
Prof. Dr. Anita Rauch
1.35 p.m. Fetal malformations – from the bottom up
Prof. Rabih Chaoui
2.05 p.m. Left heart hypoplasia – diagnonsis and outcome
Prof. Roland Axt-Fliedner
2.35 p.m. Fetal heart malformations – how to diagnose and how to treat?
Dr. Iris Scharnreitner
3.05 pm Coffee break
3.30 p.m. Overview on fetal therapy and its evidence
Prof. Jan Deprest
4 p.m. Fetal therapy for spina bifida
Prof. Nicole Ochsenbein/Prof. Ueli Möhrlen
4.30 p.m. Fetal alloimmunization: diagnosis & treatment
Dr. Joanne Verweij
5.00 pm Fetal pleural effusions and ascites – prenatal procedure?
Prof. Brigitte Strizek
5.30 pm Apéro

09.00 am Introduction
Prof. Nicole Ochsenbein
Chair: Prof. Philipp Klaritsch/ PD Ladina Vonzun
09.05 a.m. Problems in multiple pregnancies- when is fetal therapy indicated?
Prof. Dr. Philipp Klaritsch
09.30 am Cervical measurements during pregnancy: when and how?
Prof. Oliver Kagan
10.00 am Treatment of the short cervix – cerclage, progesterone or pessary?
Prof. Leo Schäffer
10.30 a.m. Preeclampsia: New study results from Switzerland
Prof. Beatrice Mosimann
11.00 a.m. Arteria Ophthalmica – for the detection of pre-eclampsia
PD Ladina Vonzun
11.30 a.m. Coffee Break and Refrehments
Chair: Prof. Oliver Kagan/ Prof. Tanja Groten
12.00 p.m. Challenging fetal cases – what are the next steps?
PD Kai-Sven Heling
12.30 pm Update on fetal programming of cardiovascular disease
Prof. Fàtima Crispi
1.00 p.m. What should we know on diabetes and gestational diabetes during pregnancy and postpartum?
Prof. Tanja Groten
1.30 pm Significance of pulse waves in feto-maternal medicine: a brief excursion into hemodynamics
PD Markus Gonser
2.00 pm Maternal heart disease and pregnancy
Prof. Matthias Greutmann
2.30 pm Apéro and Closing

Below you can register for all three days by default. If you would like to book Thursday separately or only take part in the event on Friday and Saturday, please proceed as follows:

  • Participation only Thursday November 14, 2024: If you want to book only Thursday (free of charge as part of the Thursday afternoon training) please contact us as usual: USZ LMS – ZFMM – Fetal Ultrasound & Therapy
  • Participation only Friday 15th and Saturday 16th of November 2024: You can also register for Friday and Saturday using the registration form below (credits will be adjusted at the end of the event). Please understand that Friday or Saturday cannot be booked individually.


Mrs. Adriana Schellenbaum
Assistant to
Prof. Nicole Ochsenbein

Tel. +41 44 255 51 01

Responsible Department