Multimodal therapy for obesity

Practice at our treatment center has shown that the key to success usually lies in the interaction of different forms of therapy. In most cases, a single therapeutic measure cannot achieve a breakthrough. Together we will find a way to significantly reduce your body weight and keep it at this level in the long term.

Overweight patients often feel left alone with their weight problems. The indicator on the scales continues to rise, and friends or relatives see the reason for this exclusively in your (supposed) lack of discipline or diet. Our daily work has shown us that there is often no general cause for an extreme weight situation. Genetic factors, but also a change in hormonal metabolism or incorrectly learned diets can be just as responsible as stress at work or in private life. Our treatment philosophy supports rather than condemns, and takes into account your individual lifestyle and diet, rather than imposing a run-of-the-mill treatment that will not help you in the long term.

The various forms of obesity therapy can basically be divided into the following areas:

Therapy by means of lifestyle measures

Modern instruction by a professional nutritionist, which is more like coaching than purely theoretical instruction, covers all aspects of the individual’s energy balance – i.e. topics relating to proper, healthy nutrition as well as those relating to physical activity. Only programs that simultaneously address both issues can be successful in the long term. The key here is not to implement a temporary “diet”, but to take measures that the patient can also implement in the long term.

More on lifestyle measures


There is not a large selection of safe weight loss drugs that can also be used in the long term without significant side effects. It is also important that drug therapies are not used in isolation, but always in combination with lifestyle changes.

More on drug therapy

Surgical therapy

If conservative measures (lifestyle changes, drug therapy) have not led to a reduction in body weight over a period of at least two years and the patient has a BMI of more than 35 kg/m2 (grade II obesity), surgical measures should also be discussed. The long-term prognosis for weight loss is very good with bariatric surgery.

More about surgical treatment

Together we will certainly find a way to significantly reduce your body weight and – what is particularly important to us personally – to keep it at the new level in the long term.

For patients

In the obesity consultation, we discuss individual diet and exercise measures and evaluate drug and surgical therapies.
Due to the large number of requests, only referrals from your doctor are currently possible.

Tel. +41 43 254 04 44
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For referrering physicians

Leading experts in the field of obesity from a wide range of disciplines work closely together to define a customized treatment pathway for your patients. We look forward to your assignment.

Tel. +41 43 254 04 44
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